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Everything posted by Sokar408

  1. Yes in a completely stock install, this isn't happening. I'm atm trying to isolate what mod, or combination of mods, that are causing it. - - - Updated - - - I found it. The problem is with the "http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/97285-KSP-v1-0-2-Stock-Bug-Fix-Modules-%28Release-v1-0-2d-2-14-May-15%29" Whenever these are added, the SAS stops working right. I suspect its the gimbalfix. I'll report back - - - Updated - - - It was indeed the GimbalFix. With this removed, SAS works probably again
  2. So I'm guessing this is happening due to some sort of limitation in my understanding of how the mod works. Still it seems extremely silly, especially with no way of determining this. Could you give a comprehensive explanation of how heat works with this mod, like in detail. If not I understand completely understand, you must be very busy However as it is atm, I might just be too simple to use this mod, and will have to leave it (for the first time since... well ever) for now.
  3. Holding heading, gimbal at 30%, completely linear craft: Pod, Tank, Engine. Cheated into orbit. Swings out of control after engine has been on for 10 secs.
  4. It happens more or less straight off the bat. There is no RCS, no fins, its early hard career, so I can't afford the part count. The thing is, this probably occured as well, with a completely linær pod, fuel tank, LV 909, rocket. its like something is messing with the SAS. I have no MJ modules on the crafts, and I reset the trim several times, so no trim. EDIT: I tried to remove the side rockets, and just let it fly as a linear rocket. It starts swinging out of control at 120 m/s
  5. Even with the Mk1 Command Pod's torque disabled, it does the exact same thing. The rocket goes completely straight without SAS, but swings itself out of control with it on. What do you mean? EDIT: If you meant limiting the gimbal on the engines themselves, then doing this, going down to 50% gimbal, lets the rocket fly a bit further, but the end result is the same :/ Whats really funny is, this wasn't a problem a few days ago, so and all I have done since, is install and uninstall FAR and DRE. I also did a complete reinstall after that, so that shouldn't have anything to do with it.
  6. I don't know why this has all of the sudden become a problem, but for some reason whenever I turn on SAS now, the craft will start to shake from side to side, more and more violently. It'll get to a point where it isn't increasing the shaking anymore, but its like swinging 45 degrees from one side to the other at that point. Anyone know why this is happening, and how to fix it? I am not using FAR, nor DRE (Both seems very buggy atm)
  7. After removing FAR, FlightModularIntegrator, and reinstalling only DRE, the problem changes. Now a simple LKO reentry goes like this: You reinter, the ablator gets used, you eventually slow down to about 300 m/s, plenty of Ablator left, and the fuel tank then explodes, just as seemingly without a reason as before. I can not figure out why this is happening, and I have spend all day on it now.
  8. I am experiencing the same problem, and removing FAR and FlightModularIntegrator, does resolve the problem. Though it still leaves both me, and Dedalous without FAR, which is less the desired
  9. I don't know if this a FAR problem, though given its the only mod I have that messes with the atmo, I'm thinking it is. Basically what I'm experiencing, is that the atmosphere isn't slowing me down at all. I just keep accelerating until I hit the ground. Anyone know how to fix this? EDIT: Deleting FAR and ModularFlightIntegrator, solved the problem, but still leaves me wondering how to fix the issue, so I can use FAR
  10. Deadly Reentry doesn't make any sense to me anymore. My craft, even the simplest imaginable breaks apart on reentry. The Ablator doesn't even start getting used before parts explode. Seems very counter intuitive to me.
  11. Alright so I have been trying DRE for a bit today, and I have a problem. The way I have tested it, is to make a very small craft. 1 Mk1 Command pod, with 1 of the smallest Mk1 sized fuel tanks, with a heat shield below that. Brought into orbit and then on lowered the periapsis to just over the surface with HyperEdit, and let the craft reenter. No matter what size of heat shield i use, the fuel tank explodes at about 60k altitude, with no ablator used at all on the heat shield. Whats going on here?
  12. Knowing that I'm not exactly the guy you made the long answer for, it definitely sounds like DRE are for me. However i'd still like to use the stock shields, as the "melt" better until the parts above it (very visible on the Mk1 Command Pod), not to mention preventing part clutter. As such I'd like to know in full, what the difference between the stock shields and the DRE shields are in DRE. Are the DRE better/worse/what, and if so, would making a MM patch for the the stock shields to make them use DRE Ablator be a better way to go, then just using them as is? Thanks for all your hard work btw, you make KSP really worth playing for us code'fu'less mortals
  13. So basically I could delete all the heat shields with DR and just use stock, and get a 100% same result?
  14. But then why add a new resource? Also the 1.25 shield from DR has twice the AblatorShielding as the 1.25 stock shield has of Ablator. Does this mean that AblatorShielding is half as effective at dissipating heat?
  15. I apologize if this has been addressed and I have missed it, but DR's heat shields seem to have another type of Ablator, then the stock ones. Does this mean that I should only use the ones from DR, or how does these work together?
  16. Does anyone know if Kobymaru is going to update this anytime soon?
  17. I can wait, knowing that at least isn't on my end, and that its been made aware of Great work thus far btw! ^^
  18. I have no idea what is causing the added lag is that isn't it :/ If you can't find anything on your end, I'll fire up a clean KSP and see if it might be compatibility issues with other modes.
  19. I have noticed when I add several MJ parts to a single rocket, the performance of the game dives significantly. I'm assuming this is because all the parts are doing their thing, so I was wondering, if there a way to (or could be easily added) to disable the MJ parts functionally until its needed? (basically, when I need to setup satellites with RT on a new planet/moon, I build a decent sized ship, with several detachable satellites that can be developed when at the destination, exact with a MJ part to reduce tedium )
  20. I have heard there is some problems with MJ and RT. Are these problems gamebreaking, and if so, does anyone know how avoid the problems, or is there a community fix?
  21. I second this. Been waiting patiently for it for a while now :/
  22. A bit off topic, yet at the core isn't isn't. This touches me right in the heart spot. Am I alone?
  23. If that is right, then yes. I'm still flabbergasted by the wording of question two in the book though, because it spend 15 pages talking about "force" as being a unit of Newtons, not weight. But assuming poor wording is the only way to get anywhere with it. Given that my physics teacher apparently died yesterday (only 45, poor woman :/ ), I can't even ask her.
  24. Styrolit is the name of the isolation under the concrete. According to google translate, it should be a thing in english as well. As for algebra and calculus. I don't have any issues with either (Though don't really call it algebra and calculus, we just call it math, and they are individually taught without classification. Not to mention we don't have high schools, or colleges at all. We have Elementary School 1-9th grade. Then Gymnasium 11-13 grade, and then University for 3-7, or sometimes 10 years, if very specific cases) It should be apparent that its the question I'm unclear on, not the actually math part.
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