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Everything posted by Sokar408

  1. I don't understand. When I use Bob (as his an engineer), and drag out a parachute and attach it to the ship I want it attached to, it says its part of Bob Kerman, and the parachute slowly float off the ship and off into space (at the same velocity and rotation as Bob had when he attached it. How do I fix this? EDIT: Found it, need to help down X
  2. So once a upon a time I clicked the Landing Target in the small map for SCANsat. Ever since I have been bugged by its ever staying presence on Minmus, with no way of removing it. Please tell me how to freaking remove this thing!
  3. Hey everyone Since the KSP community generally make me feel a lot less intelligent, then my average day in RL would have me believe me to be (which is nice, I prefer being an idiot among geniuses, then a genius among idiots), I thought I'd ask here, if anyone else has installed Ubuntu Linux a long side Windows 7 64 bit, and if so exactly how its done. I run my OS off of a 250 GB Samsung SSD btw, but I have tons of hard drives, if there is no way to make the install with in already partitioned device. Some side questions: When booted into Ubuntu, will I have to reinstall KSP with linux install? Will any of my other software work? What about device drivers and so on? I have old ever used Windows, so ignorance concerning cross compatibility is causing me to worry. Anyway thanks in advance for any assistance.
  4. So you'll have a half empty tank then. Not very efficient
  5. Anyone out there who has bothered making an mm.cfg file for copied tanks but with all the oxidizer removed and equal amount of that added in liquid fuel?
  6. So I spend a bit of time yesterday, hammering out a spreadsheet for quickly seeing what to do with satellites, when playing with RemoteTech What it does: Calculates Geostationary Altitude for a given planet/moon (yes you can look this up, but I had the numbers, so I thought why not) When setting up a circular constellation of satellites, it'll tell you the ideal distance between them. So say you want 3 evenly spaced satellites at a 500,000 meter altitude circular orbit around Kerbin, it will let you know what the distance should be between each of the 3 satellites. Tell you at what altitude you should park your interplanetary satellites at, depending on the range and angle of the dishes you are using. So lets say you enter Kerbin to "From Planet" and Duna to "To Planet", and the Communotron 88-88. It will then tell you the ideal altitude for your Duna satellite. This is the altitude, at which the Duna Satellite will always be within the cone of a Communotron 88-88 around Kerbin. It will also tell you the max altitude. That is the altitude at which, the satellite around Duna will no longer, at any point, be in the cone of a Communotron 88-88 around Kerbin. You can then switch it around, and get the altitude for the satellite around kerbin, and thus have all the information needed to stay within the cones on both ends. And lastly it provides a range check, telling you how much of the orbital distances the dish will be in range. For for example if the check says 50%, then the dish will be in range, so long as distance to that planet, is only half the maximum distance between the planets. It'll return 0% if the dish range is below the minimum distance between the planets, and 100% if dish range is above maximum distance. This is all done with drop-down menus, where you pick the planets, and the dishes, so no typing is necessary, beyond picking altitude and amount of satellites for the separation calculator. Green cells are the values you want, the red cells are the ones that will be filled out automatically, and the light gray ones, are cells you fill out yourself. The housekeeping is atrocious, but it works. Not sure if anyone else will need or want it, but I learned a few things about excel while fiddling with this, so I thought I'd share it Btw feel free to rip my math apart. Despite having checked all the values again and again, there is probably a mistake somewhere xD Download: https://mega.co.nz/#!zIZDTAgY!orkbxQvqu8enTzq8QmoKhL4EtWfZoNNhOfBv1UeT_3g Picture:
  7. So, I tried to calculate the maximum altitude at which my probes will stay within the cone of a dish, which simple trigonometry. My method is as follows: In a triangle, where the Kerbin is corner A, Eve is corner H, and cone corners are B and C, and h (the height if you will) Now H is directly in between B and C. Consider triangle ABH. We know angle A = (dish cone angel / 2) degrees, H = 90 degrees, and |AH| = h = min/max distance between Kerbin and Eve. Using this info, I should get the correct altitude at which the probe will stay inside the cone of the dish (will call this "y") from Kerbin, by finding: |HB| - Eve radius (we'll call this "t") The total formula should there for be as follows: x = (((h*sin(y/2))/(sin(180-((y/2)+90))))-r However the numbers I'm getting doesn't fix what I see in game. I get that the minimum altitude, that is the altitude when the two planets are closest, i should 80,573,164.77 meters. However at the moment of testing, the planets are pretty much at the max distance, yet here the cone Barely cover a 78.000.000 meter altitude. Needless to say something is going wrong, either in my assumption about how the cone works, or the way I did the math. Its probably an obvious mistake, but I can't find it. Please help EDIT: Even if I correct for degrees, the result is still absolutely wrong. This is frustrating beyond belief EDIT 2: Never it was a typo that made the whole thing miss up. I got it now. Thanks anyway
  8. I think I made it very clear, that it to me from my perspective seemed like pride. I clearly and intentionally expressed it in a way where I admit that, not only might I be wrong on that, I probably am. That is to say, I did not make a bold statement calling you prideful. I merely suggested that your absolute certainty on the matter, given how odd things are behaving compared to any previous situations with this mod, no mod, or mix of mods, made the possibility worth considering. So directly saying "You accuse me of pride? That's rather insulting." seems unnecessarily hostile, as I accused you of nothing. If I did not express that clearly, then I apologize for the insufficient attention to my communication. As for the topic. If you think its fine, then for the purposes of the mod, it must be fine. However like I said, that at no point with this mod in the passed, FAR or stock, has this behavior appeared, and it seems completely counter intuitive to me. While things might have just been unrealistic all along, the fact that I now have no clue what to expect from reentry, not only with the heating elements (which I LOOOOVE btw, very very nice job on that), but also from what will behave how, make the experience to different from what I'm use to, and want. As such I'll merely have to wait around and see if things change, or dabble with less desirable fixes (like the CFG file I'm using to increase reentry difficulty atm). Thanks for your time, and the clarity with which you addressed my problem
  9. <3 Also, I'm sorry if this has been answered before, but are SCANsat compatible with EL?
  10. So you are telling me, that a command pod, a http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/FL-T200_Fuel_Tank, and DRE heat shield, are suppose to flip, on its own, 40-45 degrees on reentry? I'm sorry but that is a short craft, and given that if I try to reenter, even WITHOUT a shield, it goes in just as expected (it doesn't last that long though), it seems more like that in your opinion, the aerodynamics are wrong, which I'm not informed enough to disagree with. However since DRE isn't an aerodynamics mod, it seems very odd that you would either intentionally design the shields in such a way, that they do not behave as they would be expected to, or that you'd keep things this way, merely because you think its more realistic, regardless of rather its in the informed scope of the mod. Again this is your mod, and I have been loving it to bits, but this seems more like pride then anything else. I'll happily make a video, and show what I mean, and if you still think that my point is invalid, then so be it. But as it stands it just seems mind-buckling to me, that you'd think this is how the parts should behave. Again maybe I'm not describing it accurately enough, or maybe I'm experiencing a bug, or maybe my way of playing is just all together wrong. So if I record it, and show you exactly what I'm doing, would you take a look?
  11. So once again, with 7.1.0 release, I tried DRE again. Now the problems I was experiencing seems to be gone, at least the primary problem of things blowing up for no reason. However there are still the problem of how the shields seem to function aerodynamically. When I make a small craft, 1 pod, 1 small fuel tank, and 1 heat shield (DRE heat shield), and reenter, the whole thing will tend toward bending 35-45 degrees off of retrograde. Needless to say it ends in explosions. When doing the same with a stock heat shield of the same size (1.25 m), everything lines up as it should, and reenters with no problems or explosions. Since the mass of the shields, and the CoM of the craft in both cases are the same, I assumed something was off with the DRE shield itself, and its aerodynamic profile. So I tested a heat shield reentering on its on, and what it does is amazing. It turns 90 degress, so its going in like a flying saucer. I am using Stock Aero btw, not FAR.
  12. This just happened to me as well. Very odd and frustrating
  13. With 1.0.2, has an easy way to change the modifiers of science on a given planet appeared? Atm I'm at the point, where the early game is hard, but still fun, but as soon as you can start jumping Minmus for science, you basically unlike everything. I'd love to change the modifiers, especially for minmus and the mun, extending the mid-game and late game.
  14. I don't know if this has been said, but in my install, waypoints (from contracts) sometime appear on the big map and small map on the exact opposite side of planet. Is there a work around for this?
  15. Looks really sweet! I'd like some contrast though. For example, how much more science (or less), is required to unlock it all? I assume this means no original nodes are kept, those why mods won't generally be compatible, but to be sure I'll ask anyway. Is this assumption correct? Personally I'm a heavy modder, and its that time (exams... exams everywhere!), so for the moment I'll leave you in my KSP Mod Bookmark folder, till I get the time to start a fresh game to test it.
  16. Remember to change the title. It still says it only supports FAR
  17. So I discovered that Alt+Scroll up/down increases and decreases FOV. I have yet to find a reset though, which at times can be rage inducing So how how exactly do I reset the FOV?
  18. I'm playing with RemoteTech 2, and I'm getting tired as hell scrolling through the list of vessels, given that 95% of them are satellites. If I set them as debris manually, will the game despawn them as normal debris, or will they preset?
  19. What is the fewest satellites needed to achieve full body coverage? I have made a 18 satellite network around kerbin, with 6 evenly spaced satellites on 0 inclination, 60 inclination, and -60 inclination, all aligned perfectly (so 3 satellites have near passes at both sides, where all the orbits cross planes). However this was more for the fun of it, then actual use. So what is the fewest needed to achieve full body coverage (assuming you antenna distance wasn't a problem)? In case anyone if interested in pics As for how I keep them in formation. I bring them into orbit on my own, get the plane and position in respect to the other satellites done on my own, then bring the SMA with 1 of what is intended (so for example in this constellation, the orbit is at 500,000 meter AP and PE, that means a SMA of 110,000. So I'll have to bring the satellite to a SMA between 109,999 and 110,001). Then I leave the craft, and use HyperEdit to change the SMA to EXACTLY 110,000. This way the satellites doesn't have drift. I usually make it a rule to also leave at least 1 km DeltaV, in each satellite so as to simulate the ground being able to compensate for drift. This is really the only way to do it, as rounding errors make it impossible to manually achieve completely stable orbits, and while I love hands on for somethings, keep 50+ satellites from drifting isn't one of them
  20. Indeed. Or at least allow you to sort somehow, like allowing the newest vessels to be listed at the top. As a user of RemoteTech, my satellites quickly makes the list cumbersome.
  21. Please make this a thing. At the very least provide a way to change the order of objects. Quality of life improvement maybe, but at least I would save a bunch of time if this was a thing. Anyone else think this should be a thing?
  22. Engine is activated but throttle is all the way down This craft is has more then sufficient maneuver speed. The thing is, since I last wrote, I successfully had MJ perform maneuvers with another, but identical craft with no issues. Now again with this craft, it moves to the maneuver node, then just sits there forever.
  23. For some reason, as of today when I got into KSP, I tried to make Mechjeb execute a node, through the maneuver planner, and the rightly as it should, it pointed the craft towards the node, but never engaged warp, nor activated the engine when I brought it without burn time personally. Why could this happening?
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