Hi All, Been messing with KSP and its the type of game I have wanted for ever! Ive been stuck with SSTO planes. I am soo close to orbit but not there yet. Ive been doing delta wing design and I regular non delta wind. Ive go the COM and COL thing pretty much dialed in. My craft are very flyable but I am lacking experience in on the power side. I have just a few small engine questions that I cannot seem to find an answer to. Sorry if these are basic but I need these answers so I can get my SSTO and make it into LKO! Im determined to do this my self so I dont want do dl any craft or anything like that. Im just looking to get some more info so I can destroy some more craft on my journey to orbit! I notice that people are putting loads of ram air intakes on jet engines. These are the most efficient and I would love to use them. Does this significantly increase the thrust ? Ive tried to add and extra and Im not sure I see a difference. What the purpose ? I have also seen the intakes put on an Aero Spike engines... Why is this as they run without the intakes ? Ive been looking for some basic engine tips and tricks but have been able to locate much. Is there a good place for this other than the wiki ? Thanks!