First lets start with parachutes. Radial parachutes are giving me issues with keeping my feet down while landing. The only remedy I have for this is to use several of them but it is still causing me problems. The other parachutes like the MK-16 and MK-25 are my prefered however when they fully deploy the jerk is ripping the command module off of the rest of the lander. If I try using a few radial parachutes attatched to the base of my lander they tend to want to tip my lander over. I am trying to build a ship that can go to Eve, land, take off, and return to Kerbin (or at least high orbit of kerbin). To do this I am attempting to minimize the fuel used in landing safely on Eve, this requires parachutes but as I said, when they fully deploy the jerk is ripping my command module off of the lander and basically stranding my kerbalnauts on Eve. Are there any tips that you can give to stop this from happening? I have a refueling satellite in orbit of eve already, my problem is getting safely down to the surface with enough fuel to return to orbit. The other bit of landing nonsense I am having is with my ladders. Both of the Telus ladders are disappearing from my lander and I don't know what is happening to them. I need them to lower my kerbalnauts to the surface and allow them to get back into the cockpit, only other alternative is to lower the struts on the lander and hope it balances on its engine.