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Everything posted by Santi

  1. Sometimes ProceduralFairings interstages can be too big (should be fixed in 2.1 with low-profile bases), hence why I use a combination of KW interstages/decouplers, NP adapters/decouplers and I use PFairings for adapter interstages if the size is reasonable.
  2. Great job! Finally I can build a nice replica of the Saturn V http://puu.sh/3LueL
  3. This is great! Finally I have have efficient upper stages (under 1TWR) by using 2.5m engines on 3.75m tanks and so on, without it looking ugly They work fine for me with 0.21.
  4. Confirmed working (at least for me): -NovaPunch -KW -B9 -AIES -RemoteTech -ProceduralFairings -KSPX -RLA Power Generation -Engineer
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