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Everything posted by Grumplestiltskin

  1. The new update is incredible...so far it's exactly what was described in the demo vids, etc. SAS is spot on. I built a few new rockets and they all cut like butter straight through the atmosphere and into orbit. Great work, squad! EDIT1: I have now managed to reproduce a few of the issues people are complaining about. For me, simpler rockets with few engines (even if the ship is large) work very well. However, as I add complexity, and most importantly, more simultaneously firing rockets something goes wrong. They are still carefully flyable, but they do tend to torque in one direction even after adding reaction wheels, etc, and they are touchy as hell on the controls. Small inputs at the wrong time can send you into a spin. EDIT2: Flying a manned rocket that was unstable with an Inline Advanced Stabilizer, and Inline Reaction Wheel became much more stable with an Advanced ASAS, Large....which is a bit confusing. I though the Inline Advanced Stabilzer 'comes with flight computer'?
  2. The more I read through the other threads regarding ASAS the more face palming I do. I can understand how some might want it a bit snappier, but everything I've tested so far flies SO much more smoothly than it used to. I can't believe it's getting negative reception. I'm strongly inclined to think this is more a case of a few very squeaky wheels....the poll seems to agree.
  3. So far it works great for me, although I haven't tried the space planes. The new ASAS seems great as well....I think people might need to shake their heads and experiment for more than an hour before the come splurge on the forums. EDIT: I have now managed to reproduce a few of the issues people are complaining about. For me, simpler rockets with few engines (even if the ship is large) work very well. However, as I add complexity, and most importantly, more simultaneously firing rockets something goes wrong. They are still carefully flyable, but they do tend to torque in one direction even after adding reaction wheels, etc, and they are touchy as hell on the controls. Small inputs at the wrong time can send you into a spin.
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