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Everything posted by Red181

  1. Hey, anyone tried out TerraTech yet? I found it on reddit today and it's a pretty cool game about building vehicles and planes. It also has a multiplayer where you're able to test your creations against other players in combat or fight against an AI that controlls your own creations or those of your friends. I think this is pretty cool because you're able to improve your creations by letting them fight each other and let the winner fight against a newer creation in a gladiator like system There is a free demo available on steam! Here's a gameplay video: They're currently trying to fund their project on kickstarter and they have only three days left, so give it a try, maybe you'll like it https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/payloadstudios/terratech-physics-based-vehicle-construction-and-c/posts
  2. Scott Manley, lots of frustration and trial and error of course.
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