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  1. im using K.S.P with no mods on Macbook Pro a few times in career mode now when i EVA from a vessel on Kerbin i seem to fall through the world & Kerbin disappears, when i go to the launchpad, runway etc its just space view, when i look at the orbital mab there is no Kerbin & i have to restart the whole career again, is there a way i can move a current save file into a new start game save folder to get Kerbin back to where it is supposed to be or do i need to restart again?, its a bit infuriating as i start to get a couple of the 90 value tech tree open and then bang, no planet !
  2. managed to stick 4 engines in asparagus mode onto the "space station core" (added rcs tank & thrusters) & launch it into orbit, had 1 fin on each rocket, 1 winglet on each rocket near the top & it flew stable i have adapted the design for a refueller, this wont fly stable, it is bigger & has more TWR using the same rocket set up but in rockomax form, same amount of control surfaces in same place, straight up isnt too bad, little wander here and there that can be corrected, but as soon as i start the Gravity Turn and ditch the first stage it all goes pear shaped
  3. fresh install, no mods, only built rockets, not messed with space planes, anything i have tried so far has cartwheeled out of control been on KSP since .18, landed on most planets & had a few SS in orbit but this build seems unflyable to me
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