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  • About me
    Space Cadet
  1. I love career mode. I like progression. I am one of those people that loathes sandboxes that don't make you work for your toys.
  2. I enjiy the changes to progression. In .90 i would just get the policy to turn money into science and I would have the tech tree completed without leaving kerbin orbit ( never even went to the moon )
  3. Windows 7/ SteamOS. Stock. Never crashes on either. I built my compy.
  4. Im honestly surprised at the number of people who have crash issues. Ksp has never once crashed on me. Also i found space engine boring as hell
  5. Dead is dead. Career mode on hard difficulty. Have to pay funds for parts as well as science. Very fun. Absolutely no reverts.
  6. Bull for my valentine tries to fit the latter. Bunch of whining emo turds.
  7. My creations usually go" the form follows the function " route. Sometimes not pretty
  8. I'll be playing 1.0 immediately. Lot of the mods either feel like cheating ( mechjeb *cough* ) or don't really interest me enough to install them. 1.0 isn't that far off anyway
  9. Altering thingin game to anything other than default constitutes cheating imo
  10. I strictly play career. I tend to come up with designs as I need them and sandboxes in any game aren't very rewarding for me. I prefer to play with tangible and goal specific stuff to accomplish.
  11. I put a satellite in keosync orbit On my lunch break fulfilling a contract. Planning on 2 additional sats and going to start attempting rescue missions.
  12. .90 runs great. Game has always run great for me. Also a stock purist - no mods. My rig is also pretty beasty
  13. Thanks... I think. lol. I do have several specialized ships. My favorite is my KDST ship. ( Kerbal Drop Science Team ) It's basically a mothership with four detachable dropships for various science type tasks. The main ship is permanently in space. Too large ti land anywhere
  14. I like learning new things. I also very much enjoy the feeling of success when something I design does exactly what I intend it to do , then get blown away when I realize the limitless other uses it has.
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