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Everything posted by daffy

  1. Why doesn't KSP load in the background? I use KSP 32, latest version of course and do have some mods installed. (Not sure that mods have anything to do with it) It takes a few moments to load the game, and I will open my browser to surf, or read through the forums to see whats new. Start going through a thread or two and after a couple of (15-20) minutes, remember that I had launched KSP and needed to go and build some more big rockets to throw my Kerbals up into space somewhere. Close the browser, pull up KSP again and it's still waiting on the little greenish yellow loading bar where I left off. Now, I am fully prepared to push my head into a blender and press the puree button. With questions as technical as this, and the nature of my biggest problem being significantly elevated beyond "Windows 8 Program Launching 101", you can clearly see that my Kerbals could not be more fortunate to have me as their God.
  2. Oh my God. That's close to all day long every day! I couldn't handle that
  3. It's a fun game. None of us are going to be strapping in to the launch seat of any shuttle in the near future. If so, we wouldn't have time to play the video game! lol. Hey, for $23, a string of free updates along the way....I'm satisfied. (Did not say content!!! But, satisfied.) Have fun
  4. Personally, I would purchase direct from the KSP site. It's direct, you don't need to mess around with STEAM for it, at all. Pre or Post purchase, and it just downloads and installs...ready to rock and roll. I only play one other game through STEAM, and I wish that I were able to go around STEAM in order to play it.
  5. In simple terms...the game, currently is built in 32bit, and only allows up to 4 gb of ram to be used, (regardless of how much you have on your system), before it will crash and cease to operate. If the game were built in a 64 bit style, if you had 10 gb of ram, then you could use 10 gb of ram for the performance. Disclaimer!!!! I am not a computer person!
  6. You could fabricate a small enclosure with some trim wood, 1/8 to 1/4 inch. Simple 45 degree cut and some display glass. A couple of hinges in the back for access and connections. I think everything could be found at the closest hobby store. The first that comes to my mind is the material we use for RC airplane building. Might even get fancy, and build three displays to set up around the system for a more immersive, head turning required experience. I'm visualizing a bread-box style of enclosure. Can sounds be added? Like the chatter mod? And switches! We need switches and stuff. Stuff to click and throw. Landing gear, lights, docking cams! I'm teasing a little there, but would be fun. I wish I had your talent.
  7. I think the point of that ship was to try something out, rather than actually predict an outcome. And now the answer is pretty clear. Cool looking station though.
  8. Clearly, it's the Kraken. Its smile remains, while we continue to sacrifice. It is only when things become efficient, well planned and managed, built properly and 2/3 to 95% of a completed mission that it becomes dissatisfied with the lack of sacrifice and loses the smile right before its fast, violent rampage.
  9. I really enjoy RemoteTech, and don't think it's obsolete, at all, on .21. I've tried a couple of methods, and found the most efficient to be a set of 5 launches, parking the first three in geosynchronous orbit around the planet with the 50Mm Sat Dishes. Then the last 2 SATS in a polar orbit (opposite each other, crossing each pole simultaneously, or as close as possible). You get a huge amount of coverage in this set up, and good range. I did manage to finally match two SATS up with the MUN, on Kerbans orbit, one leading the Mun and the second trailing it about 500km each, ahead and behind. I placed the giant 900Gm dish on each of those...(might have that size wrong. The large folding orange dish). Those will get you a signal out pretty far. I guess I would like to start building relay stations, but know it's going to be a project. I like the idea of it though. I recommend RemoteTech.
  10. I think PDCWolf has a great point, and I agree. Although, you do have to consider the contents of an expansion. If it literally adds to the "Completed, and fully functional, accepted and working" original game, then I would absolutely spend money if I was attracted to the game. Of course. I'm also a huge IL2 fan, and have purchased those expansions as well. But, if a game was just going to add another moon or two, maybe a planet and some other modules to build and play with....No. Build an expansion that includes another Solar System, some universe to explore, add in an economic or civilization aspect to what there is currently, and make it FUNCTIONAL at release....then I will spend my money on it. A new splash screen and a couple new avatars or space plane parts aren't going to make me spend money. That said....I don't have any problem at all supporting a current development with purchase, like KSP, if it keeps my attention. If they were to finish up, and package a Beta version, for $25, I will buy it.
  11. Without seeing what you have, in a picture, the first thing to double check is....that the docking ports are matching size. You say it's a shielded on the rover, and a normal on the Station. Is the Station docking port a Sr. or Jr.? If it's not the identical size, then it won't dock. Another thing to look for, and it's happened to me, I'm sure many others, is the way the docking ports are placed onto the vessel. Is it upside down, or dropped in the incorrect position? Just sight unseen, it sounds like it's probably more of a "correct part" issue than anything else. Hope this helps.
  12. I'm very happy to see NASA doing this, and think it's a long time overdue....decades in fact, in my opinion. Absolutely, without a doubt, an organization which contains the biggest nerds, geeks and cool people in the world, and they have been sadly tied at the hands for too long. Politics aside....space exploration should be encouraged and progressed like this one today. I am excited about the prospect of opening the doors to private operations, and think that is the way forward, but it all needs NASA to light the match, so to speak. Go NASA! Go to the moon again, finally....and let the nerds do their exploring and testing! (I say nerds, very lovingly by the way).
  13. So.....I can now put fluffy in the Science bay and open it in space to see what happens??? I need to get a notebook.
  14. Piece by piece is the best way, and more fun too. If you really don't want to do it that way, and are seeking to expedite things for another purpose, there are some mods that could be helpful. I think one is Orbital Construction. I do have that Mod, but haven not used it. According to the information though, you could "spawn" your "craft" in orbit, providing you have the appropriate materials to do so. You might consider looking that mod up.
  15. Well, I took the whole thing apart and reassembled it into a giant toothpick, about 100 meters long!! Fortunately, I've gotten accurate enough with docking, that I have had plenty of RCS to work with and remaining in order to reconstruct it. After the information, and discussions, I've decided to pull it to Duna and reassemble it there. Maybe I'll try to set up some sort of a relay network for my RemoteTech, and use it as a big hub. It was actually too long to push, so I thankfully had a large tug already built that was able to launch and hook up with it. There's four LV-N 60's on the tug. I know it's going to be a slow and long trip, but I think it should work. We'll see. Thanks a ton for the comments.
  16. Makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the response. The 'Station' I guess, if I call it that, wasn't really intended to move anywhere. I just kept adding stuff to it over the past couple of weeks, and then today thought..."Hey, there's a big engine there. Wonder if I can push it to the Mun."
  17. If this is an old topic, forgive me, and I'd be happy to read the discussions on it if there is a direction or link available. It seems to me that there should be no drag in space, which would cause a craft to wobble or twist in transit. I'm trying to move a large object, (station) from Kerbin orbit to the Mun. It's got large engines which should be more than enough for the delta v, and a ton of fuel. The problem is, I think, that it has some appendages or docked sections that protrude non-symmetrical along the main core. Anyway, when I begin the maneuver, and reach about 1/4 throttle on the burn, the craft begins to wobble, eventually into a slow out of control twist which takes it off course, and impossible to correct. The only way I've been able to make any progress on the trip is to literally, hold the throttle below a quarter thrust and maintain constant counter force on the RCS. I know it's not symmetrical, and it's not completely balanced...but would that have a real effect in space? I honestly don't know the answer, and am by no means complaining or griping about the game...at all. I love it. I'm just curious if I am missing something? Or is this somewhat appropriate behavior for a very large craft like space station size? Or is it an aspect of the game that I have to just play around? Thanks!
  18. Hate: 4 gb memory limit. I LOVE mods! Love: Mods and so many things to try out and blow up.
  19. From what I'm able to see, on my Lazor Docking Cam, is that there is a movement of the center crosshair (red) which does indicate the direction of your travel in relation to the targeted docking port. I've been using it that way at least, and has worked well. It's like 'Stepping on the ball' while controlling lateral or longitudinal direction in an aircraft as you follow the red crosshair hovering on the center point. Also, there are readouts, which are not entirely accurate I think, but close enough for the game value on the lazor docking cam that can be used as guides as well. I've not tried the one you're talking about so I can't compare, but I do think the Lazor Docking Cam is a great tool as well.
  20. Docking opens a whole new level to the game, and it's a lot of fun once you get it. Patience. Translate, watch, counter-translate, and then some more patience. Good tune in the background helps out. I've learned that RCS thruster placement makes a TON of difference. (As close to center of mass as you can, remembering that it does shift as you burn fuel) It took me a while but was worth it.
  21. Best way is to continue 'closing' the target, and then matching target speed by burning retrograde until the two bodies are pretty well synced at a few hundred meters. I've learned that if you simply burn at the target and close the distance, and then fail to burn off the speed retrograde, it's like chasing a mouse on a bungee cord. You'll never match up. The steps have to be done repeatedly until orbits are synced well enough to maintain a stationary distance before you begin the actual docking phase. Also, once you have the target set and are fairly relative, you can work the pro grade aim point into the targets node. When you have that lined up correct, then you can just RCS thrust in reverse to control the closing velocity. Now, as I'm writing this, I'm thinking to myself that...ok, so that makes sense to ME! But, I could be sending you on a goose chase! Please jump in and tell me to stop at anytime! lol ;p
  22. Mun, Minmus landings. Couple of times each, and have returned both times. I've built a Comsat Network around Kerbin with RemoteTech, and am able to navigate unmanned missions fairly well. (Thank you to the creator of that Mod. It's really fun and adds an element to the environment.) Most of the time I'm even able to return within a reasonable distance to the launch base!! I've gotten efficient at orbital rendezvous and docking. Right now, I am building and testing for my first interplanetary mission to either EVE or DUNA. Haven't really made up my mind yet. I'll make the final decision after the fuel depot is completed so that I can better determine the best intercept windows for each of them, in relation to the testing I want to finish. I'm very tempted to launch a Manned mission to either one right off the bat! It's an adventure though and a calculated risk either way, significantly so on a Manned mission. Rovers still seem to be my biggest obstacle. I know it seems silly lol. Getting rovers from Kerbin to point B just never works out for me! Certainly on top of my list for the Eve or Duna trip preparations! ;p
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