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Everything posted by ZodiusInfuser

  1. Have you tried the free-spinning joint that comes in the Model Rework pack? I'm just wondering if the problem only applies to the legacy docking washer, as it is extremely thin. Also as Ziw says, an output_log when the problem occurs would help.
  2. IR doesn't support having more than one joint (on one axis) per part, so you'd need to put multiple parts together to get the same effect as the wrist.
  3. They don't currently, as I was concerned that the craft wouldn't load if players did not have the IRSequencer installed. As it turns out that may not be the case, so I can safely set sequences up for one or two of them tonight. Which leg walk are you referring to? If you mean the hexapod thing in the trailer video, then that isn't an example craft as it was Darren9 who created it.
  4. Yea, pandoras and a few others are beta testers for the next update. With their help its getting quite close now
  5. It's a problem with ATM, not this mod. Read the OP under Known / Common Problems.
  6. No it wasn't that, it was more that the entire game exploded (tonnes of exception thrown) when two struts where commanded to straight-up attach from the same action group.
  7. Some day, yes. Its really not on my priority list though, as I'd rather work on adding more parts that let players do more cool things first. Also I'm not artist so I'd need someone to work on it for me, and that's not a small undertaking.
  8. For people who're wondering what is happening with this mod, I'm close to releasing the next update. The mecanums are ready to go, Active Struts now works and I fixed a number of bugs with the other packs that testers have reported. Currently waiting on KSP 1.0.3, which will hopefully fix an annoying wheel bug, as well as an update to Infernal Robotics and Kerbal Foundries. In the mean time I've been preparing a number of example craft to show what can be done with the mod and all its packs. Here's an example: If anyone has anything they wish me to include, please post below. Caveats are that it must be Stock + IR Model Rework, and you can only use Tweakscale on the IR parts.
  9. Lo-fi, does this disableTweakables flag also turn off the action groups associated with those fields too? Also, if someone happens to put a normal KF wheel on the cract, would applying an update also affect parts with tweakables hidden, or is it only wheels of the same type that it gets applied to?
  10. No there's no other alternative. but do what I do and delete the patch folder that contains all the tweakscale configs for stock and other mod parts. That way you only get tweakscale applying to any mod that specifically includes support for it (like Infernal Robotics).
  11. Will the current constant still be an option in the new version? I found the mecanums don't like anything above 0.05, so being able to set that is quite important.
  12. To clarify this, I asked Ziw to look in to the code and have identified the reason it occurs. In-editor movement is achieved by rotating/translating the part around the defined axis, then rotating the fixedMesh in the opposite direction, the net result being that the fixedMesh appears not to move. However, it applies this to the local coordinate system of the fixedMesh, so if that doesn't align with the world axis then you get the effect of it rotating/translating at odd angles. Looking at the code there does not appear to be an easy fix for this, so the solution is to recreate your Unity scenes with the meshes oriented correctly in the modelling program, such that no rotation of the fixed mesh is needed. This also explains why in-flight looks fine, as it goes though a different code path dealing with physics. Hope that helps
  13. I know that stock wheels have a bug where this happens if you right-click on them (as their braking force gets capped to 30). I would have thought Kerbal Foundries would be immune from this though.
  14. The current textures are the same across the packs purely because they're placeholder. In the final versions it won't be possible to have the packs share the same textures in the way you're doing.
  15. I've gone for the modular approach with the IR Rework and it's proven good: Core Pack - Parts I consider to be essential to the mod Expansion Pack - Parts that are cool but that most players don't need day-to-day Utility Pack - All the parts with dependencies or that aren't robotic (e.g grippers, wheels, struts) What I find interesting is the difference in number of downloads on KerbalStuff, the Core and Utility packs are far more popular than the Expansion pack (or they were before KSP 1.0 hit)
  16. Parts that act as springs can easily be done with wheel collider. Now the question is, do you want to attach anything onto the end of that spring? Is so then there's no plugin at present that allows for it.
  17. Not good. Four mecanum wheels alone use 32 colliders . Are you sure rigidbody is vessel in the case of KSP? I thought each part was its own rigid body?
  18. I just noticed there's a new version of tweakable everything out that mentions solar panel fixes. Try downloading the ToadicusTools and TweakableStaging dlls from that. Also, you should probably message me by PM, as that test craft isn't publicly released yet Edit: Note that you have to scroll down the VAB to see that craft
  19. This is more the design I had in mind: This preserves the large moving surface of the current design, but also fits in well with stock wings (at half scale) and can have other rails stacked on it. Maybe you can take this concept and refine it a bit more?
  20. Ok thanks. Btw, just a heads up, looks like the next version of KSP will break everything with physics and wheel colliders: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/122159-Devnote-Tuesday-Back-to-Work%21
  21. The way the plugin works is that anything that is node or surface attached to an IR part gets moved by that IR part, irrespective of if it itself is node or surface attached to a parent. What I was meaning in this case is that to keep the functionality of the current adjustable rail, there needs to be a larger surface than that red piece of your design for parts to get attached to. Sorry for the confusion.
  22. Thanks for the render! The red bit would need to be the side that you fix to the craft, as anything that gets surface attached to the part will move and the yellow bit has the larger surface. If anything the second design is more in line with what I had in mind, but its still not what I am after.
  23. Any idea when the next version of the mod will be released? My parts are ready to go but I'd prefer not to bundle the current KF plugin with then whilst those tweakables are exposed. Thanks.
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