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Everything posted by ZodiusInfuser

  1. Yay! So glad this update is out. I felt guilty being able to play with it for so long by myself
  2. That is intentional, as otherwise you'd end up with the parts in both the Utility and Robotics tab if your install was working correctly. The only known issue is a conflict with Filter Extensions. If you have that mod installed they posted a hotfix recently to address this issue.Anyway, this is now an issue related to the official release of Infernal Robotics (here) rather than this parts pack.
  3. Very interesting. I should probably do similar tests with robotics parts. Looks like you're adjusting their mass in-game, if so how?
  4. Did you watch the video in the OP right to the end? There it shows the Servo Control window you can bring up, allowing you to move parts without needing action groups.
  5. Have you updated your version of Infernal Robotics to the one in this thread? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/114014-WIP-MSI-s-Infernal-Robotics-Plugin-Rework-%28Updated-05-04-2015%29
  6. Cool. I'll see what I can dig up over the weekend then . I understand the basic principle but its been a very long time since I've had to deal with PID I'm afraid. I do remember that tuning their values is very much a trial-and-error approach though.
  7. I'll certainly be able to help with the former, and hopefully provide links to other references in the future too. They probably won't all be scientific papers or technical documents though, if that's ok?
  8. Hi, I may be able to contribute a few things to this. My background is a PhD in robotics, specifically on modular and self-reconfiguring robots. One thing you may find useful to include is a paper I did on connection mechanisms between modular robots, not so much for the results but the analysis of various existing designs. Could prove useful for some people if they want to do their own docking ports. I'm afraid I only have a direct link: http://naturalrobotics.group.shef.ac.uk/publications/2014-iros-parrott.pdf
  9. From those pictures it looks to me like you need to rotate your part to have its mounting plate be on the bottom in Unity rather than to the side. Note that to do this you'll need to re-import the model in the rotated state, as I've found just applying the rotation in Unity itself doesn't actually have any effect once you get in-game (you may find it works though). I really should set some time aside to write a blog post about orienting parts to work with symmetries, as there's a specific way that is needed for both node and surface attach that not many modders get right first time.
  10. I won't don't worry -------------------------------------------------- New Update out! Changes: [LIST] [*]Added descriptions to all robotics and utility parts [*]Adjusted preset positions for rotational parts (as in what pre-defined presets they have) [*]Reduced size of bounding box, increased damage tolerance, and tweaked torque curve of Hauler Movatron (should hopefully handle better with heavier loads now) [/LIST] This is a minor update to fix a few things ahead of the upcoming release of the IR plugin, so not essential that you update your current installs (except for maybe the Hauler wheel tweaks).
  11. That video is private. Needs to be unlisted or public for us to see it.
  12. Thanks for this hotfix. Am I right in thinking that this puts all IR parts back into Utilities if FE is installed (and therefore prevents the custom tabs from appearing)?
  13. Sweet! Does it work?, without re-adding the parts to the Utilities tab (I'm not that good with reading the effect of MM configs)
  14. Its not completely clear what the issue is from that shot (as I can't tell where the mirror plane is). The two thoughts that come to my mind are: A) Is the orientation of the part correct to work with mirror symmetry Is the part modelled to be asymmetric, in which case you won't be able to mirror it without a redesign Could you show a picture of the part on its own in Unity?, making a point to have the axis widget in view.
  15. I was meaning more the design of the wheels. Functionally mine already do this.
  16. One thing you can try allmhuran is increase the mass of all the robotics parts you use in their cfg files. Its been mentioned that this affects joint strength but I've not had time to do a reliable test case.
  17. Presets will always be in ascenting order, not just sorted to be adjacent. This is intended behaviour. Unless you are talking about another bit of the plugin? -------------------------------------------------- On an unrelated note, here's a new preview of the Servo Sequencer addon Ziw and I have been working (this is separate to the main IR plugin):
  18. That sounds to me like squad doesn't understand that a released game is meant to be feature complete. If they're skipping this to try and push 1.0 out then that suggests that there needs to be a 0.95 before it. I'll reserve judgement on the fairings, but I really hope there's the option to add curved fairing tips.
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