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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Hi, thanks for the great mod. I got some strange problems from yesterday, and it only happens when I'm controlling in the cockpit and approaching to a station. The target velocity displayed above the nav ball starts increasing rapidly. I used HyperEdit to put my vessel close to the target, and the same thing happens. I'm running KSP 0.24.2 64bit on Windows8.1. Here's the list of related mods I'm using: RasterPropMonitor 0.18.2 ALCOR Capsule 0.9 ALCOR IVA Patch SCANsat 6.1 vesselview Kerbal Engineer Redux 1.0(new version) NEAR 1.1.1 VOID 0.13 ModuleManager 2.2.1 The last error I see is "[ERR 23:56:23.935] RasterPropMonitorComputer: Processing error while processing TARGETALTITUDE: " Complete KSP.log http://www./view/paxbev9bndqiucv/KSP_log.txt
  2. I cannot open http://www.kerbaltekaerospace.com/ , got error 500, is there a mirror for downloading? Update: the server seems online now, please ignore this post.
  3. wow that's really nice work, can't wait to try it! I'm just curious how would you name the project?
  4. can I use conditions like (mass <= 1 and attachRules=1,1,1...) to select all attachable parts? I did some search, it seems there's no manual or documentation for it.
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