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Everything posted by Affan

  1. Hey, I'm not good at all at aeroplane flight but I thought I would give this challenge a try. I made a tiny craft with a lot of lift and took off. It took me ages to turn round, miss the tower completely, turn round again and finally buzz the tower. I had a lag spike just as I took my screenshots so the plane crashed into the ground but I'm sure had that lag not been there I would have easily turned and landed on the runway afterwards. Probably just shook a few pencils off some desks, not good though. 140m/s.
  2. They probably made it such and odd orbit to replicate the crossing of pluto's orbit over neptune's. I'm assuming that they don't intend to have an Eeloo - Jool collision any time soon
  3. Pinkieseb Is right. Get as close an orbit to the craft as possible (make it slightly less to catchup, slightly more to slow down so he can catch up) and make sure you have the craft set as target. Using first Thusters then RCS get as close to it as possible when the intersect is 30km or less on the orbit map and then make your relative velocity to the jeb craft 0.0m/s using RCS Simply EVA jeb from the craft and use the EVA jetpack to get him to the other craft. Make sure the other craft has a 2 kerbal pod with only 1 kerbal actually in it though (crew selection). If you can't save jeb then don't worry though. If you terminate the flight in space centre and kill him, he respawns in the astrokerbals list because the 3 original kerbonauts (jeb, bill and bob (with the orange uniform)) are immune to permadeath. They respawn a while after their death.
  4. for reentry of a craft make sure you add a small slowing down stage for when you re-enter kerbin and then place decouplers all around the pod for when you reach lower altitudes. Add as many parachutes as you can. The best way to re-enter is by reaching directly opposite a large quantity of land then burning retrograde until your periapsis reaches around 10k. You optimise use of atmospheric braking and then just burn retrograde at the lowest point in your orbit then slowly let yourself lose altitude. Once you reach the deployment altitude of your parachutes decouple your pod and activate the parachutes. Land safely and recover.
  5. I would recommend putting the station at 95-100 km up as it gives space for you to position other space station modules to have slightly higher or slightly lower orbits to get closer to the station. You still get a decent starting altitude but still gets good Oberth effect. I wouldn't recommend putting it in orbit round minmus, it would take too long to get every module up and it would be more difficult due to the off center orbit of minmus
  6. I agree with Dombi. Definitely place a space station core or a (smaller core self-made but still with many docking ports) and send up fuel modules and dock as many as you can there. all parts you use do allow fuel cross-feed so the fuel doesn't have to be directly connected. Finally, once you have enough to perform a manoeuvre to eve then send up your craft and I would recommend a few atomic rocket motors. They are insanely efficient and will get you there with fuel left to perform other manoeuvres. Alternatively, you could try to assemble the craft in orbit by sending up bits of the craft and then dock them all together. (first post )
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