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Everything posted by Wolfmaster112

  1. well i agree it would be nice, but the added strain on components would increase the minimum system requirements i would think. I would think someone would make a mod for this instead of implementing it into the game.
  2. Does KErbal Space Program create an execuatable service called kspsrv.exe? or did my reformat somehow not remove the (insert unfriendly words) virus. It was a virus that clung onto my spare HD somehow.
  3. thanks for pointing that speed out, but i feel the need to say this, Aeroplanes can't get to that altitude in 21.1 nearly as easy b/c something was changes (at least for me i've built 15 or so unuque planes none of them can get over 25K without running out of air also, i can't get over 2.0K speed anyways :( aerodynamicy is my weakness edit: Question? What is The Massacre ?? My first time gonna try for 15.00 or less i litterly built the plane in 3 minutes
  4. It also happens when you have the copy option enabled and you move a large piece of the ship. It quit easy to replicate the issue, top avoid it though is as easy as turning of Copy) to fix just click on the extra ship (the one that the Pod isnt connected to) and delete it in Ship building
  5. I, a newby to KSP shall accept your challenge. What was your top speed btw?? (i dont have to bandwidth to watch the video ) (i have mods on my client but i will only use all stock pieces since the mods are mechjeb and B3 aerospace thing)
  6. Right now i'm testing an all new NOse-tip&gas set up on the rocket on the top half of it(nothing SUPER BIG but very noticeable) Here is the new design, I personally Like it allot more. here are some pictures i'm still working out a major issue If you notive here this tank is seperated from the others only connected with a steel rod and a small steel cube but for some reason is still is draining even though it is not being used(its also separated from the above tank) any suggestions?? Here is the issue highlighted
  7. So i have a Mun and more ready ship but litterly every time i try to fly this accursed thing i aim to high or to low by MASSIVE proportions just about and any time i think im aiming dowon i go up this throwing me off course alsowhich side the the small compass on the bottom in da middle is N S E W N? ___ | | W? E? | | ___ S? 3rd is there some small mode that tells me directions?
  8. You're all good m8 I like failinga t my own ideas and seeing other suceed, it give me something to push towards. I can't seem to open your Ship. When i do it says its incompatible. IS there some new update or something??(I can never tell b/c my patcher is stupid) Also quick question. are you able to make a return to Kerbal? or not enough fuel?
  9. well i made so changes, and I made a good run, NEARLY made it to minimus... Here is the new **** Eargles Wing 1.1
  10. Thank you both of you, I will try to work out the issues/Suggestions you both suggested and will get back to you ASAP Edit:So i made MORE changes, made a successful orbit of KErbin(out of fuel though) (here is da file if you're curious) Eagles Wing 1.3 Will make a few mun attempts
  11. ClOSE ENOUGH!! Made it to da moon again...Sorta I forgot how to aerobrake (da ship for anyone who wants it) Eagles Wing 1.4.3 Step One. Do NOT ENABLE THROTTLE Press Space to enable Solid Boosters Step Two. Once Smaller Boosters are 2/3 Burnt Enable Throttle 100% (you should be at about 125-175 m/s) Step Three. Drop Solid Boosters as they Run out. (you should be at about 175-250 m/s) Step Four. Now you should only have Fluid Fuel Rocket. This first one should get you to 12-20k(TURN SLOWLY OR YOU WILL BREAK IN HALF Working on a fix.) Step Five. Drop Fluid Burner as soon as it runs out and Hit space a second time to enable second fluid Burner. This should get you to roughly 80-100K if you angle correctly. Step Six. once Step 5 Fluid burner runs out drop it and enable 3rd Fluid boosters. If you do everything correctly you should still have about 10-25% tank left in these by the time you are able to maneuver your trajectory o da moon, and you still have one final set of rockets you can use to land.( this part about Fuel is a Maybe) so i made it to da Mun....sorta [img=http://imageshack.us/a/img855/5062/dme1.png] Hey there(newby here) I've been spending a good part of the past 3 days building ships, Have managed to crash into some planet when i forgot about my ship but other than that no luck landing on anything. I've been working on this ship for the past few hours and can't seem to get enough speed out of it and i can't figure out what i can remove or add for more boost(i get about 2.5k m/S before i run outa full and fall back to Kerbal) Right now i can't seem to get this ship up any suggestions are greatly appreciated here is the craft [url=http://www./download/e17vwdww2pteoma/Eagles_Wing_V1_0.craft] Eagles Wing 1.0 [/url] and here are some Screenshots. [img=http://imageshack.us/a/img19/5875/d2.png] [img=http://imageshack.us/a/img20/9710/h8a9.png] [img=http://imageshack.us/a/img15/1765/hggp.png] [img=http://imageshack.us/a/img593/4475/hp0c.png] Launch procedure Set thrust to 45-60% (any more and it will rip off the solid fuel boosters) After first rockets run out hit Space once to drop Bottom Rockets and set throttle to 70-90%(you should be 200-300 M/s by now i believe) After larger rockets run out of full Hit space to drop them. (you should be 400-500 m/s i believe) (these speeds are estimates b/c i cant remember exact #'s) let the rockets drop for about 3 seconds so that they can't cause damage to the Ship. Hit space Twice after the Solid fuel boosters fall to enable Liquid Fuel booster and the 6x Solid fuel boosters. Hit space after solid fuel boosters run out of fuel to drop them. After this things are still experimental.
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