So I was on the fence about whether I should buy the game and decided to download the demo and give it a try. In that time I built these 2 ships that convinced me without a doubt I would have fun with the full game. The first one is called "Mega Missiles" it's an 11 stage rocket that has about 11min of burn time and can reach speeds og almost 6500m/s If you time your launch right you can get to the moon in record time, no messy orbiting required! lol The second is well... It's literally a pile of fuel tanks welded together... lol, I know right? Despite it's looks, it's actually completely symmetrical and can easily get into orbit with it's absurd amount of burn time from the tanks. The tanks are hooked up to the thrusters in such a way that they run out of fuel in patterns, and thus a surprisingly stable orbit can be achieved from all of the fuel. Anyway, If anyone else is on the fence about buying the game, Maybe these will convince you. but I have edited them in the full game so I don't know if they will still work in the demo but I still only used parts available in the demo. You can download them from here :