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Everything posted by MrHappyFace

  1. Microsoft Would you rather take a bath in scalding hot vinegar or chlorine
  2. Gilly: where you can make jokes about gilly's gravity
  3. Banned for not being a spacecraft engineer
  4. replace thrustTransform to TT, the thrustTransform is linked to the model, and if the model is from KSPI, then it should be called TT
  5. Basically what the title says. I noticed that Better than starting manned, some Planet Packs, and Croud Sourced Science Logs need you to replace the ScienceDefs.cfg file, but couldnt those mods just use module manager?
  6. I have a crappy computer, so i can only use 4 or 5 mods: Alternis Kerbol Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter Mech-Jeb KSPInterstellar Protractor
  7. Vessel View: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/66480-WIP-Vessel-View-v0-3
  8. Actually, I was typing that on a school computer... yeah, im kind of a hypocrite
  9. I blame mobile devices, media, and the google effect Google Effect: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_effect
  10. Look around the PartLoader class. Maybe PartLoader.LoadedParts (or something like that) is what you're looking for
  11. Porkchop plot generator, you can also add custom bodies to calculate the plots for RSS http://alexmoon.github.io/ksp/ Thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/33023-WEB-APP-Launch-Window-Planner?highlight=porkchop
  12. Change the inclination in the config file to 5.145, which is correct relative to the equator without axial tilt.
  13. You eat your way out. What do sandwiches do at night?
  14. C# is not that different from java, so it wont take llong to adjust. as for writing dlls, use Monodevelop and the wiki's tutorials: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Setting_up_MonoDevelop planets are a hard start for modding, try making partmodules or simple part-less plugins first
  15. Do I need to copyright my plugin before posting it or can I just put "All rights reserved" on the license and forum post?
  16. I am using these method definitions: public override void OnStart(StartState start) public override void OnUpdate()
  17. I have an EVAPartModule class that extends PartModule and overrides OnStart() and OnUpdate(). I then need to make a module extending EVAPartModule, but I, for some reason, cant override OnStart() or OnUpdate() in a class extending EVAPartModule. i am using 'public override void' for everything, should I use something else in place of public, like private or internal?
  18. Is there a reason to use OnStart() or can I just use Start()? same for OnUpdate() and Update()
  19. Minmus is made of ice cream, it explains why they always faceplant.
  20. Does the KSPField Attribute work with all ConfigNodes, or just MODULE ones? EDIT: I did a test, it doesn't work. Another question though, how can I call a function just before switching vessels, I need to write some vessel data to a config.
  21. I can't do that, this is a part less mod and I don't want to use module manager, I saw something called OnGameSceneChangeRequested or something like that, but I cant Get it to work.
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