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Everything posted by Dictatorshipper

  1. I use revert fairly liberally, but I also always try to make sure my Kerbals survive. I also sometimes do in-atmo abort and landing tests before launching a new interplanetary ship.
  2. The new SAS makes the game easier in some ways and harder in others, because it can't hold a heading nearly as well as old SAS. I'd say overall it's the same difficulty as .20
  3. Other: My large number of batteries meant that I failed to realize my Duna lander was missing any kind of power generation until it was too late to revert. Bill, Bob and Jeb are *still* stuck up there.
  4. If you count things that actually launched and didn't blow up on the pad because I didn't know how staging worked, then my first successful (unmanned) launch crashed into Kerbin, my second escaped Kerbin entirely and orbits the sun as a satellite to this day, and my third got into orbit. After that I think I did a manned launch almost immediately.
  5. This page seems to have been written mostly by Orbiter fans. Describing KSP as "like Orbiter but more casual" almost.
  6. Honestly I think the stock RTG is a little OP. Any better and it would make solar panels totally useless.
  7. WTF JiWint? This isn't some multiplayer game where you're unable to compete against people using Mechjeb if you play stock. It's a sandbox, you're supposed to make your own fun. For a lot of people, that fun is enhanced by things like 5 meter parts or VTOL capabilities.
  8. If I download the new version of this mod will it break the ships I made with 1.3?
  9. I have a policy of always pressing F9 when a Kerbal dies, even if it also destroys a whole space station and undoes a transfer burn.
  10. He'd probably say it's way too hard and maybe fun for space nerds or something and then make fun of how steep the learning curve is. He doesn't like simulators.
  11. I *finally* rescued Bob, Bill and Jeb from Duna!
  12. Huh? There *are* multiple saves in this game... what's everyone on about?
  13. I land probes on things and pretend they're doing science.
  14. Great mod! I have an idea for possible improvement though: cylindrical fairings that stay the same width as the base. So rockets with multiple stages of different widths can still look like nice proper rockets on the launchpad.
  15. I docked two modules together to start a space station, then got bored of docking and sent a probe to Eve. It landed successfully, but without any power to open its solar panels or do science. I then sent a mapping satellite into Duna orbit, and decided to send another mission to Eve. This one was way more ambitious, with a two-part vehicle aerobraking into orbit, then separating into a mapping satellite and a landing unit, which would use ion thrusters to deorbit itself before separating into a science probe which would parachute into one of Eve's oceans and a rover. This one went off without a hitch (didn't even quicksave!) and I spent a while driving around on Eve.
  16. Are these parts generally balanced? I want as many parts as possible, but not if it's something like a 1.25 meter engine with the thrust of a mainsail and the efficiency of a nuclear engine.
  17. I really like KW Rocketry. Not updated but works fine with .21
  18. Eve needs the least Delta-V and you can land on it with just a parachute, but it's almost impossible to take off from. Duna needs a bit more Delta-V and is harder to land on, but you can take off from it easily.
  19. I installed Mechjeb and... nothing happened. It loads the Mechjeb stuff when KSP loads, but there are no Mechjeb parts in my parts list, and no button anywhere that I can find.
  20. Did my first post-.21 Minmus landing, and got my Duna return mission (three people and a remote-controlled rover, plus deploys a mapping probe) into LKO.
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