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agent 902

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Everything posted by agent 902

  1. I need to seen a probe to an asteroid and i need to have greater precision then you get in kerbins soi,so do enyone know about a good maneuver for this
  2. I realy hope they ad some mechanic to find (and track) asteroids,making them harder to find but giving more of a reward,id like to have some of the plane comandpods to get an iva and also for the mission controlbuilding to get some pupose This is my opinions only,fell free to post yours down below
  3. i put this monstrosity in duna orbit after building it last night. It was a preaty rought yourney involving in a kerbal got lost from the ship on an EVE. He got back to it fortunatly http://i.imgur.com/KmNFtpT.png?2
  4. i found this while i was testing the SCANSAT mod ( http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55832-PLUGIN-PARTS-0-23-SCANsat-terrain-mapping?highlight=scansat )
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