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Everything posted by synik4l

  1. Dang. Very good info. Thanks man. Could you by chance send me a pic or two of what you mean. I think im visualizing it correctly. but i may not be.
  2. Interesting info. Looks like I need to rethink some of these top heavy rockets huh? edit: and when I say top heavy...I just mean things hanging out from the top...causing it to pull more from the top. making it alil harder to keep control
  3. This is all deff true...I never drop stages in the middle of a decent....Found it not working as well.
  4. Same exact setup here. Cept ive gone back and forth between sarbs and stock. Not really sure whats better. But I will say. I think THE MOST COMMON mistake is "CONTROL FROM HERE". Everyone make sure you are controlling from a pod that is straight up. Or else it wont work.
  5. I agree with the people stating it works. It may not be perfect. But accents for me are great, landings are pretty decent(depending on ship and location of landing site). Docking takes forever but usually still works. To ASW122: Accent works pretty well for me. One thing i noticed on larger rockets is you need more RCS than you used to. MJ doesnt use SAS during takeoff(that ive noticed) to get into orbit. Thus if you have no RCS and your ship tends to be either top heavy, or just big in general. To where it tends to not stay pointed straight up. You will end up turning over. As MJ just cant control it, without having a bunch of RCS to work with. Also I dont change many settings. Final orbit 100 or 200. and i change my curve start to 10k meters. instead of 8. Hopefully this helps you
  6. dang...i was really hoping for a little higher part count with no lag
  7. Was googling the unity wiki today when I noticed this. What does this mean for KSP? Anything? Are we going to see some performance increases in soon to come patches? edit: I also found this http://blogs.unity3d.com/2013/07/22/unity-4-2-has-arrived/
  8. I made it through without it wiping existing deposits...I just took the old kethane folder. Copied settings.cfg and flags from the old into the new root of the gamedata>>kethane folder. and deleted the old one. Just make a backup of your entire KSP folder before you go. Or someone here may know where the deposits are saved.
  9. Awesome man. Thanks. Hope to see that in the future :-D Keep up the good work.
  10. No doubt the models in this mod are well made. and thats just another to add to it. Good work guys. Keep it up
  11. This pack is great. Love it. Just wondering where do I find that orange structuring in the first picture of the OP. The metal struts with the orange tubes in it. Looks great.
  12. This is my current project. At about 600-800 parts...Starting to get pretty laggy. This game really needs to be 64 bit.
  13. I agree with all these things. My BIGGEST want tho. Is 64bits and ability to put more processing on the graphics card. Me wants higher part count lol.
  14. sojourner thx man. that was it....i just had all 3 of those flywheels rolling. just forcing that thing all over the place. Thx again
  15. Thx for the quick replies again. Gosh this community is helpful. I did use alot of struts although this pic does not show it. My part count is alil high, but that was just to make sure I could get it up there. Ill drop it back down now. But those flywheels. I can easily see how that can cause it.
  16. I literally cant even accelerate time cus it thinks im moving. LOL. So for solar panels just use small ones and other means of electricity huh sky? No big floppy panels?
  17. Hey Guys, so ive just been testing out whats possible and I got this space station into orbit. first time stock. from spaceport. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/easy-spacestation/ second time customized it. first time at 100m second time at 200m. Why do I wobble? Lol. Specifically the solar panels Any help would be good. I wanna start docking stuff. but i cant if its wobblin all over the place like its trying to fly outa there.
  18. Okay so i reinstalled rebuilt it. Only installed Mechjeb and the stats mod. Was having problems even killing my velocity from over 200m meters away. When using mechjeb i go straight at it. Is it just not enough to stop the velocity of flying straight at the mun? Is the decouper blocking it? its on the right way i think. but it still looks like its in the way or something EDIT: Got it :-D not the best landing area but its start. Atleast i know i can do it now. Thanks for the help guys
  19. You're right. I think this is the problem. I bet I overwrote some of those parts with mods. Ill wipe out the install today and reinstall. That is a good call Somerled. I didnt even think about that. Guess I need to watch more closely what i'm installing huh? n00b mistake. Either way regardless of whether its what your saying espm or Somerled(or both). This should fix it. So try it and report back tonight after work. Thanks for all the help guys. This community is super helpful.
  20. I'll try removing that stage and rebuilding it. That sounds like a good idea. Cus I know its firing. Something blocking it seems to be the most likely. I used the same ship to get to minmus tonight without problem. Of course it has like no gravity. so slightly different. Also Knas I brought the parachute for going back to kerbin. But good idea maybe i can just drop it and no go back to kerbin with this guy.
  21. Thanks for all the quick responses guys...ill go in order. No changes other than the SAS unit is that tiny one now..that can fit inside a decoupler without actually extending the length of the ship. Other than that..its the same. I have tried different altitudes. I have tried getting into a orbit and then killing velocity. And then dropping stages immediately. Ive also tried doing the same, but dropping the second to last stage after the fuel in them is gone. about your edit...i see how that could be possible. Although I can burn almost it all out and im still gaining velocity. 5thHorseman: Yes my rocket is on. It is burning fuel. Just seems like something weight wise or something. Lemme grab a pic and ill post it. Ill post one with the stats module on. reilem: I am on 0.21. ill try it without the SAS unit. In 0.21 its smaller than it used to be actually. I dont know if that made a difference on weight or not. As I said above you can now place it inside of a decoupler. and nurph your questions have been answered above General consensus, seems like it may be weight. but i dont know. I'll post a pic in a second. Then if I have changes to make ill do those and try it again and video it. So you guys can see whats happening. Thanks again for all the help guys Heres the pic-Yes I know my launch stage is huge. Maybe overkill. But it gets me to the moon with PLENTY of fuel. So thats why i built it like that. I gotta be doing something way wrong. Cus it saying my TWR for S2 is 7.62 on mun.
  22. Hi guys, new to this community and kerbal space program. I have a problem landing on the mun and not sure why. I sorta followed Scott Manleys tuts on building a decent rocket(changed it some). I have no problems getting to the mun or getting in orbit around it. My problem is landing. I get myself to a decently low altitude. Slow myself down a lot usually using my 2nd stage. Then i drop it, and here's where my problem lies. No matter what I do my lv-909 engine cannot slow my speed down. I can literally get to 10m/s using my 2nd stage. But as soon as I drop that one and go to the final landing stage. my speed will continue to increase even at full throttle. This happens all the way to the surface. In which at that point i'm back up to like 200m/s or more. What I am doing wrong? Weight? Has something changed where i need something bigger than the lv909 to properly land? Or am I missing something huge? Thanks for any advice anyone has. My lander is equivalent to the one found in this video. The only difference from my rocket and scotts is my early stages.
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