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Everything posted by urbansys

  1. What does your launcher looks like for this setup?
  2. Well if you do not take the survey contracts, how do you have enough money to update mission control to get to the mun without flight planning?
  3. How are people getting to the Kerbal stations so early in the career for the Survey Missions? I have 2 of them but do not have any space plane parts as of yet since it cost 90 science points. For example i need to get a crew report 19 KM or less over Kerbal Hazard... how the hell do i do that so early in the career lol.
  4. So now because you don't have to use part clipping to lift amazingly heavy loads, its no fun? I disagree as i feel it is more realistic now.
  5. Is there any benefit to building a station with the science lab and a computer core? Does it give more science? Also why does Jool give more science per day then moho? I have the same exact station build at both, but the one at moho produces half the amount per day. Thanks!
  6. I was landing one of my larger lander's back on Kerbin. Once i got below 500 they deployed as normal. About 30-50 meters from the ground i was using my engines to help slow down a bit more then suddenly my chutes disappeared and the symbol on the stages showed red? My only though it i got the craft too slow and so the game cuts them? Thanks for the help.
  7. How do you get so much??? Do you transmit all of it? or do you bring the data back??
  8. Is there a way to reduce the amount of transmission loss? Like can we setup communication satellites? It is odd that some reports have no loss while others have an 80% loss.
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