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Everything posted by Fellow314

  1. It goes up, it achieves orbit and then decouples and it all goes wrong from there. http://i.imgur.com/5bItalW.jpg?1?6182 Tomorrow I'm going to see if it lands. Now I'm going to sleep.
  2. Hello all. I have just lost a large portion of the last 24 hours to this game I downloaded. I've have built many pointless, dangerous spacecraft. My sum total achievement is a pointless satellite in a very, very strange orbit. and a x15 clone that actually flies and lands. But never on the runway. Er, so, hello.
  3. Yesterday I played the demo then downloaded the game fairly quickly. This is my first attempt at, er, something, er X15 esqe. I'm trying to get the little plane bit up into orbit and back again. It's a bit clumsy.
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