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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I've been having crashes upon the game loading, with no warning. Does this mod require any others, such as universe replacer, or does it conflict with any other mods? Thanks.
  2. Is that amazing cyan texture from a separate mod, or did Winston make it specifically for this one, and if that is the case, would it be possible to use that texture without the rest of the mods changes?
  3. While I would love new star sytems, I definitely don't want any sort of "fast travel" or anything like that, as this is supposed to be a fairly realistic space simulator. I think that the best way to go would be a couple of designed systems like the kerbin one, and they vaguely mentioned adding "warp drives", I think
  4. Great, thanks for the quick reply! I agree, there is tons of content to explore in the kerbol system, with lots more coming. Looking forward to it all, and thanks to the developers who made it.
  5. Yes, I did check the "what not to suggest" thread, but I'm not requesting this, just wondering whether it had already been refused or confirmed. In the aforementioned thread, other stars/new solar systems were grouped in with other planets and other objects that have been confirmed. So, will interstellar travel be possible?
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