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Everything posted by M.Wolfy

  1. If someone doesn't mind me asking, what is the difference between the normal and the redux version?
  2. 8/10 A galaxy... galaxies are beautiful
  3. Banned for having a GIF as your avatar.
  4. Water? WATER!? AKA water pollution...
  5. Banned for changing the topic...
  6. 10/10 Phoenixes are always cool, just like bow ties .
  7. 10/10 WHYYYYY!!!!???? (caps filter)
  8. 9/10 It's a pony with a submarine... *poker face*
  9. All that's kerbal, ends kerbal lol, I'm putting that in my sig .
  10. There is a rainbow in the background... Back on topic: When in doubt...
  11. And the humans... (you asked for it)
  12. False, It was used (by the Romans) to scare elephants. The user below me is a terminator.
  13. 10/10 Who doesn't like space marines (to be exact, terminators).
  14. Banned for ribbons! (I'm being hypocritical, AGAIN!)
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