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Everything posted by M.Wolfy

  1. banned because I know its not logical, its basically saying "where is the logic in that?!".
  2. you mean there would of been something worse than a collision (I think that was piloted by a american, correct me if I'm wrong), solar panel damage, depressurization (caused by the colision), micrometeorites hitting the solar panels, loss of power and fire? oh my...
  3. 0.o I think I'll give this a try, tommorow Oh, and tilting? that can easily be done stock and without infernal robotics (I've done ramps before!)
  4. Please tell me thats not how the final mun landing will look like . and why did you have to mention KADMOS? Nice chapter nonetheless.
  5. Granted, you now fall through portals endlessly I wish I could keep coming up with wishes
  6. "No, I don't even have your phone number!" @mrpamplemousse: ponies are vegetarian.
  7. 10/10 *gets strange alien race known as humans to ally and fight you*
  8. Granted, It blows up. I wish for a wish so that I could Wish for a wish because of a wish.
  9. we could make one look badass (aka a real life one), using joint technology (for ramps, fancy launch towers etc [stock ])and reaction wheels.
  10. Granted, but you can't afford to rent/buy a house/apartment. I wish for the U.S.S Enterprise IRL
  11. banned for thinking that carl sagan walked on mars just because he had a photo with the viking lander, logic?
  12. *comes back looking really sad * "wait?! squids/flood spore/thing eats bacon?!"
  13. banned because you probably didn't realize he ninja'd me.
  14. 10/10 don't trust him, he is studying us from a far away planet...
  15. banned for being in the Jool system. EDIT: you ninja... Banned for ninjaing and terraforming duna.
  16. uh, i couldn't look at that right... anyway Dragon P
  17. Oh my... *hysterical laughter* I wish things like this would happen moar often .
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