It'll kinda look like a TKS but I'm still working on it and you'll get more than I said (It won't just be a escape pod and tug) but I'll tell you once It's finished Also, if the new part limit is 50, I think I'll have do a major redesign to AMMES (its 95 parts) EDIT1: The newer (less functional and not as nice looking) version has 59 parts, can i go a bit over the limit? I can't remove anything else besides the RCS tanks , and if I did remove something from the descent module it will tear apart when the parachute fully deploys. EDIT2: Old Version (95 parts): New Version (59 parts): I took away 2 De-orbiting engines, the communitrons, the science equipment, a LOAD of batteries (which got replaced by 1), the Jnr. docking port on the orbital/Habitation/Tug module, and there will also be a adapter at the top for a normal docking port that can be detached for a jnr. docking port, I'm not docking it unless you can confirm I can go 9 parts over the limit.