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Everything posted by M.Wolfy

  1. banned for being a reptilian ambassador
  2. lackluster... oh wait... (top of this page) W
  3. wut... the user ABOVE me is trying to sleep in class the user BELOW me is on a PC
  4. Granted, but you are soon assasinated... I wish for bacon...
  5. 1/10 This is the second time i've see you!
  6. Banned because I already banned you, jeese yes, Aussies are awesome (sort of [insert reason here that I don't want to talk about]) but barely anyone is on the forums when I'm on
  7. True that, i would only see swords and chainswords useful if you were put up against a few tyranids (mainly talking about melee tyranids, genestealers etc.), that is, if you don't shoot them before they get to you . OK, you probably wouldn't be put up against "a few" No, seriously, a "few" is an understatement...
  8. Keep in mind it is Blowing a gale outside when i tested this So i'll probably do a test when it is not acting like a hurricane outside No, seriously, look at this...
  9. Currently the only models i have are Space Marines and a Necron Lord (i don't do it anymore due to how expensive it is here), in Dawn of War i have mainly played imperial Guard, in Dawn of War 2, i play space marines in The last stand mode. Though i have to admit, I'm not great at painting the models (as you can probably tell, I like using space wolves )
  10. Stop RGOOING About STALIN!!!
  11. True, Don't ask any questions... The user below me will say True
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