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Everything posted by huell3

  1. I see I'm not the only person that has problems with space planes suddenly becoming death traps. 5 brave Kerbals gave their life in my career save in the quest of researching the takeoff and flight characteristics of rapier free space planes. Landing is still in development, but spontaneous, rapid disassembly isn't deadly anymore. On the bright side of it, my crewed rockets are fairly safe, despite excessive use of solid boosters. Plus, my Kerbals get free snacks, thanks to the glorious snacks life support mod.
  2. Well, you could use a multiplayer mod to have two instances of ksp running with the same world instance. That would allow you seeing both ships on different monitors. Only thing that might be a little finicky would be controls and task switching. There was also a mod that could plot vessel data via web server, so you can externalize most of your info windows. But I think development has stalled some time ago.
  3. Nice to see, I'm not the only one suddenly being able to build and fly those things. The new parts are really nice, though I mostly end up with planes looking like a Klingon Bird of prey
  4. Had a good laugh reading it, though you're simply telling the truth.
  5. The stupid ones are less demanding when running with Snacks Life Support, since they forget to eat their snacks. This makes the little, green idiots very useful to me.
  6. Hello, I come here, because every time, when building a manned space ship, something about the pods really irks me. It's their sheer weight. (Note, I tend to build smaller space craft) We currently have pods for one Kerbal and multiple coming in different flavors, as in with/without "heat shield", for space planes or rockets. The problem is, aside from aesthetics, I see little reason to use the larger pods to transport multiple Kerbals into orbit or elsewhere, since for the weight of the MK1-2 command pod, I can lug around five MK1 pods and still have spare weight for more RCS/batteries and two extra Kerbals. It's the same with the lander cans, a department, where one wants to save weight in order to pack more DV on long journeys. So, is there a possibility of the pods being rebalanced to make the larger ones more useful? In my opinion economy of scale should be a factor, since there's supposedly control and life support systems, as well as rcs tanks and doors as well as batteries that all have a certain weight. Most of these parts aren't needed twice or scale quite well when they get bigger. I thank you for your time.
  7. Sure, individual parts with 0 failure rate are a boon. Since .24 my rockets are simpler, thanks to boosters being dirt cheap, I won't have problems with asparagus stage misconfiguration. Plus I just finished my station/ship nuclear thingie. It even has some sort of shielding, if you count fuel tanks and ample space inside.
  8. Found out about quaternions, while trying to build a "circular" station with 90 degree angles. To ease the process I built a standardized docking apparatus with two symmetrical ports being angled at 45 deg on a Rockomax adapter. I had a pesky gap between the two remaining ports that wouldn't get away with wobbling the station. See pic: Turned out, that I had a rounding error, so I ended up with my docking ports having an angle of 46 degrees. So I started poking around in my adapter's subassembly file, and then my save. Now, two hours of wiggling and reading about how unity handles angles later, my test vehicle works like just dandy. I can now scrap my station and rebuild it, but I've learned something new and earned the opportunity to further optimize it. Thanks KSP.
  9. Hello, first, this mod is great, it satisfies my flight data needs. Would it be possible to draw the navball, maybe in combination with the touchball? I'd like to have a bigger version of it on another screen, to precisely monitor my heading while accelerating. With webgl one would only have to map yaw, roll and pitch onto a textured ball, in principle. I'll have a look into it, maybe I can contribute.
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