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[1.2?] Alchemy Technologies products... v1.2 beta
kyklop replied to kyklop's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
I know about this issue longer, but absolutely do not understand why it occurs. Arises, when the three types of fuel (or more) are located in the same tank. -
VÄÂaka, integrované. Jedna záhada objasnená - súbor ScienceDefs.cfg nesmie byÃ…Â¥ väÄšànež cca 40kb, inak "posledné" experimenty nefungujú RobÃÂm úpravy center od mass pre vÅ¡etky diely a pripravujem cfg pre Deadly Reentry....
[1.2?] Alchemy Technologies products... v1.2 beta
kyklop replied to kyklop's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
No - the problem is in the way, what I composed the tanks, at least I suppose ... System assumes that the center of mass an object is at the beginning of coordinates - at the coordinates 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 But I began to compose the tank from the first, the bottom tank - which is probably positioned correctly - and more tanks are being added gradually at first tank, as "stacked". The result is that - the tank is, toward the beginning of the coordinates - "asymmetrical". Quick, dirty solution (but can be "good enough"): Edit CFG in AlchemyTechnologies\Parts\FuelTank\FuelTankFLT8000\ and after "node definitions" add line: for FuelTankALWT008201M.cfg CoMOffset = 0, 0.46875, 0 for FuelTankALWT016001.cfg; FuelTankALWT016001M.cfg; FuelTankALWT037501.cfg; FuelTankALWT037501M.cfg; FuelTankALWT037501M2.cfg CoMOffset = 0, 1.40625, 0 for FuelTankALWT032001.cfg; FuelTankALWT032001M.cfg FuelTankALWT075001.cfg; FuelTankALWT075001M1.cfg; FuelTankALWT075001M2.cfg CoMOffset = 0, 2.8125, 0 for FuelTankALWT064001.cfg; FuelTankALWT155001.cfg CoMOffset = 0, 6.5625, 0 This move the center of mass to the center of the tank. But if it's "really good solution", I cannot say now... -
[1.2?] Alchemy Technologies products... v1.2 beta
kyklop replied to kyklop's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
lewisd - Thank you very much! You have discovered one source of my problems ... Moving CoM until now I have not noticed ... Unfortunately, I have to re-do every "stacked" tank ... -
[1.2?] Alchemy Technologies products... v1.2 beta
kyklop replied to kyklop's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
It seems that I have found one possible source of the problem - all service moduls have in header "module = SASModule" (as is defined in "old style" cfg file) instead of the probably correct "module = Part". So that the parts actually have defined two different SAS modules, which can be a source of problems. Repair begun... -
VÄÂaka za ochotu súbor sciencedefs.cfg -> https://www.dropbox.com/s/rxq90h9cl2wh5ax/ScienceDefs.cfg je to 14 "experimentov" pre sedem "prÃÂstrojov", niektoré prÃÂstroje robia niekoľko podobných experimentov v závislosti na situationmask. V plugine sú "Alchemy" firmy najmenej Å¡tyri - technologies, labs, worksshop, nucleonics
[1.2?] Alchemy Technologies products... v1.2 beta
kyklop replied to kyklop's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
If with active SAS (key T) You'll do an maneuver using the WASD keys, service module tries to return the machine to its original orientation. Reaction whells are in the service modules quite strong and have "less attenuation" than reaction whells in the "command pods". So the process that was enough to change the orientation without service module, with the service module is not sufficient. Try to use the key F for short "cut-off" SAS during maneuver or after its completion - it is actually a "reset" SAS and the new orientation taken as default. Another possibility is that the basic orientation of the service module and command pods is different and two SAS blocks counteract each other... -
Mám isté problémy - spáchal som zatiaľ Å¡esÃ…Â¥ "vedeckých" prÃÂstrojov. Ale chýba k nim sluÅ¡ný pokec v ScienceDef.cfg. Vedel by s tým niekto pomôcÃ…Â¥? vykrádaÃ…Â¥ cudzie sa mi nepáÄÂi... - existuje nejaký jednoduchý spôsob, ako vypnúť kolizie pre jeden blok MODEL {..} ? - existuje spôsob, ako vynútiÃ…Â¥ animácie pre niekoľko blokov MODEL {..} súÄÂasne? "Normálne" sa spustàlen jedna animácia, aj keÄ je blokov MODEL {..} a k nim prÃÂsluÅ¡ných blokov MODULE { name = ModuleAnimateGeneric ... } niekoľko a animácie majú rozne mená - v ponuke modulu je "vedecká akcia" a samostatné akcie vysunutia modelov (potrebujem, aby sa tri antény vysúvali z modelu bloku súÄÂasne)
Takže som urobil prvé hrubé pokusy so Å¡tandardným padákom Mk-16 Zmena rýchlosti otvárania z deploymentSpeed = 1 na deploymentSpeed = 10 spôsobila znÞenie rázu pri otváranàz cca 16G na 5,3G, opaÄÂná zmena, na deploymentSpeed = 0.1 spôsobila, že sa padák odtrhol od zostavy eÅ¡te aj pri poloviÄÂnej hmotnosti brzdeného nákladu. Pri deploymentSpeed = 10 a semiDeployedDrag = 1 vÅ¡ak výška deployAltitude = 500 zrejme nepostaÄÂovala na "plné otvorenie" a funkciu padáku, takže raketa narazila do zeme rýchlosÃ…Â¥ou asi 70m/s. SemiDeployedDrag = 1 zasa nepostaÄÂoval na stabilizáciu polohy pokusnej rakety vo veľkej výške (~23km) (odpor zadnej ÄÂasti rakety s kormidlami bol zrejme väÄÂÅ¡ÃÂ, takže raketa padala "hlavou napred" a trhala sa pri pretoÄÂenàpo plnom otvorenàpadáku). Deployaltitude som zvýšil na 1000 metrov a semiDeployedDrag na 10 - rýchlosÃ…Â¥ klesania sa tak znÞila asi o 50m/s a padák pri otvorenàzbrzdil raketu z cca 230m/s na cca 20m/s vo výške ~300 metrov, dopadla rýchlosÃ…Â¥ou 18m/s (to som predpokladal, zostava bola úmyselne až prÃÂliÅ¡ Ã…Â¥ažká na jeden padák Mk16).
IMHO Å¡lo by to... ovÅ¡em nikto ti nezaruÄÂÃÂ, že sa to bude chovaÃ…Â¥ "korektne". Proste skús editovaÃ…Â¥ cfg od RealChute a presmeruj prÃÂsluÅ¡ný blok MODEL{} z modelu obalu od RealChute na vhodný model od SQUAD. Model Squad obsahuje ale aj prÃÂsluÅ¡nú kupolu padáku, takže to môže vyzeraÃ…Â¥ dosÃ…Â¥ nepekne - padák bude maÃ…Â¥ dve kupoly a ktovie, ako sa to bude chovaÃ…Â¥. Druhá možnosÃ…Â¥ je zložitejÅ¡ia a vyžaduje Unity. V nej by sa mal daÃ…Â¥ model.mu editovaÃ…Â¥... S tým ti ale nepomôžem ani teoreticky. Pokusy s "pôvodnými" editovanými padákmi od Squad somuž v mnulosti podnikol - skúšal som vytvoriÃ…Â¥ "viacstupňový padákový systém" z troch padákov - fungovalo to sÃÂce biedne, ale fungovalo. Problém bol hlavne v tom, že nie je možnosÃ…Â¥, ako rozlÃÂÅ¡iÃ…Â¥ jednotlivé kupoly a tretia kupola sa nezobrazila vôbec, hoci jej "brzdiace úÄÂinky" sa prejavovali viacmenej normálne. Edit -možno by stálo za pokus nejaké "pokusnÃÂctvo" s editovanými "orginálnymi" padákmi, hoci je to ÄÂasovo dosÃ…Â¥nároÄÂné hranie - naprÃÂklad preskúmaÃ…Â¥ chovanie padákov s rôznou rýchlosÃ…Â¥ou otvárania a sledovaÃ…Â¥ "intenzitu rázu" pri otváranÃÂ.
PredovÅ¡etkým - RealChute Parachute použÃÂva znaÄÂne odliÅ¡ný princÃÂp fungovania padákov. Padák tu má dve ÄÂasti/modely - púzdro/obal a samotný padák. Brzdiace úÄÂinky padáku vypoÄÂÃÂtava z ich parametrov, definovaných v cfg súbore pomocou vlastnej dll knižnice, ÄÂiže odliÅ¡ne od Å¡tandardného spôsobu. V Å¡tandardnom padáku môžeÅ¡ manipulovaÃ…Â¥ prakticky len týmito parametrami: semiDeployedDrag = 1 <- odpor ÄÂiastoÄÂne otvoreného padáku fullyDeployedDrag = 500 <- odpor plne otvoreného padáku minAirPressureToOpen = 0.01 <- minimálny tlak pre ÄÂiastoÄÂné otvorenie padáku (0,01 zodpovedá výške 23000 metrov) deployAltitude = 500 <- výška plného otvorenia padáku (500 metrov) deploymentSpeed = 1 <- rýchlosÃ…Â¥ plného otvorenia padáku semiDeploymentSpeed = 1 <- rýchlosÃ…Â¥ ÄÂiastooÄÂného otvorenia padáku Mám za to, že rovnaké vlastnosti ako u RealChute sa editáciou Å¡tandardných padákov dosiahnuÃ…Â¥ nedajú, ale dala by sa dosiahnuÃ…Â¥ väÄÂÅ¡ia brzdná úÄÂinnosÃ…Â¥, meniÃ…Â¥ výška otvárania a možno zmenou rýchlosti animácie dosiahnuÃ…Â¥ "mäkÅ¡ie" otváranie, bez niÄÂivého rázu pri plnom otvorenà- to by si ale vyžiadalo rozsiahlejÅ¡ie testovanie
Pokiaľ dokážeÅ¡ robiÃ…Â¥ takéto pluginy - mal by som pár nápadov: - kontrola, ÄÂi sú správne prepojené vÅ¡etky nádrže a motory v rámci daného stupňa - zvlášť u zostáv s adaptérmi sa stáva, že nádrž sa nepripojÃÂ, alebo sa nepripojàsprávne a palivo z nej neprúdi, kam má - "usporiadanie" ÄÂi prerovnanie zostavy - ikony "stupňov" a dielov sa pri navrhovanàradia bez ladu a skladu, v podstate tak, ako sú postupne pridávané. Chcelo by to nejakú možnosÃ…Â¥, aby to diely zoradilo automaticky, naprÃÂklad "zhora-dolu", pretože tlaÄÂÃÂtko "reset" v tom urobàakurát tak bordel - kontrola pevnosti/tuhosti zostavy poÄÂas stavby - staÄÂila by aj celkom primitÃÂvna, naprÃÂklad, že pridávaný diel je Ã…Â¥ažšÃÂ, než znesie pevnosÃ…Â¥ jeho spoja s dielom, na ktorý sa pripája
[1.2?] Alchemy Technologies products... v1.2 beta
kyklop replied to kyklop's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Reactors running on "blutonium" and "cooling" (and must be started). "Cooling" is a resource produced by the cooling panel. A small amount of cooling also continually produces reactor itself (but much less than it consumes during operation). It is an attempt to simulate the production of heat during reactor operation. If the supply of cooling consumed, the reactor automatically stops and stops producing electricity (simulation protection against overheating). So the cooling panels must be extended and their generators running. They must also have sufficient capacity to produce sufficient cooling (cooling panels are really calculated according to the Stefan - Boltzmann law)- reactor consumes the same amount of cooling (thus produces the same amount of heat), such as its electrical power. Blutonium is consumed in small quantities - enough to supply years of operation. There is no free lunch. Nor energy... Isp - Specific impuls? Munwalker 370 sec in vacuum, 300 sec in atmosphere, MunSail 370 sec in vacuum, 300 sec in atmosphere, small liquid fuel engines 290 sec in vacuum, 230 sec in atmosphere, small monopropellant engines 270 sec in vacuum, 100 sec in atmosphere, Ion engines - 4200 sec in vacuum, in the atmosphere zero, naturally. Scramjet - Isp curve is complex, corresponds approximately to the bell / Gaussian curve. Texture resolution is mostly 512*512*24, sometimes more, sometimes less. Zek - I tried it, but with Unity can not understand yet. for this time... IMHO, the ability of part (from *.cfg file) are (for me) far more important than the external appearance of the model. Maybe, I do not know, for now. I can try to divide it into parts, but the models and textures are common to multiple parts. It can by done by that - a scramjet with everything that belongs to it, will be placed in one directory. This then you can delete without affecting the other parts. -
[1.2?] Alchemy Technologies products... v1.2 beta
kyklop replied to kyklop's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
ok, I understand ... become even worse things. I wanted to delete them using "My Add-ons" page, but this do not delete it - link goes to "404 Page not found", but at personal page records still remains. The second problem is very slow system response - as you click on Upload buton, there is not any response at upload page, and it takes up to ten minutes or so before any reaction occurs on the personal page or spaceport. -
[1.2?] Alchemy Technologies products... v1.2 beta
kyklop replied to kyklop's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
New Download: [MOD - Download Link removed due to unauthorized redistribution of SQUAD assets - sumghai] previous link (about 1100 downloads, four stars ) mysteriously disappeared ( [MOD - Download Link removed due to unauthorized redistribution of SQUAD assets - sumghai] ) -
[1.2?] Alchemy Technologies products... v1.2 beta
kyklop replied to kyklop's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
by KPS logs - time to load my plugin is 15.76 sec. -
[1.2?] Alchemy Technologies products... v1.2 beta
kyklop replied to kyklop's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Nuclear reactors? First number idicate electric (and "thermal") output in Electric charge per seconds, second number diameter in centimeters -
[1.2?] Alchemy Technologies products... v1.2 beta
kyklop replied to kyklop's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Alchy SCRAMjet MK-01 http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/alchy-scramjet-mk-01/ SSTO, 1200kg at equatorial LKO 100 km -
Tak idem s kožou na trh... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60853-0-22-x-Alchemy-Technologies-products-v02
Alchemy Technologies represents our complete production program New Download: [MOD - Download Link removed due to unauthorized redistribution of SQUAD assets - sumghai] Fuel tanks Small and medium propellant tanks FL-R012 Fuel tank with 0.625m diameter, capacity 12 unit of fuel, 60kg of fuel Variants: normal, liquid fuel only, oxidizer only, monopropellant, xenon gas FL-R025 Fuel tank with 0.625m diameter, capacity 25 unit of fuel, 120kg of fuel Variants: normal, liquid fuel only, oxidizer only, monopropellant, xenon gas FL-R050 Fuel tank with 0.625m diameter, capacity 50 unit of fuel, 240kg of fuel Variants: normal, liquid fuel only, oxidizer only, monopropellant, xenon gas FL-R100 Fuel tank with 1.25m diameter, capacity 100 unit of fuel, 500kg, of fuel Variants: normal, liquid fuel only, oxidizer only, monopropellant, xenon gas FL-R200 Fuel tank with 1.25m diameter, capacity 200 unit of fuel, 1000kg, of fuel Variants: normal, liquid fuel only, oxidizer only, monopropellant, xenon gas FL-T012 Fuel tank with 0.625m diameter, capacity 12 unit of fuel, 60kg of fuel Variants: normal, liquid fuel only, oxidizer only, monopropellant, xenon gas FL-T025 Fuel tank with 0.625m diameter, capacity 25 unit of fuel, 120kg of fuel Variants: normal, liquid fuel only, oxidizer only, monopropellant, xenon gas FL-T050 Fuel tank with 0.625m diameter, capacity 50 unit of fuel, 240kg of fuel Variants: normal, liquid fuel only, oxidizer only, monopropellant, xenon gas FL-T100 Fuel tank with 1.25m diameter, capacity 100 unit of fuel, 500kg, of fuel Variants: normal, liquid fuel only, oxidizer only, monopropellant, xenon gas FL-T200 Fuel tank with 1.25m diameter, capacity 200 unit of fuel, 1000kg, of fuel Variants: normal, liquid fuel only, oxidizer only, monopropellant, xenon gas FL-T060 Fuel tank with 1.25m diameter, capacity 60 unit of fuel, 300kg of fuel Variants: normal, liquid fuel only, oxidizer only, monopropellant, xenon gas FL-T200 Fuel tank with 1.25m diameter, capacity 200 unit of fuel, 1000kg of fuel Variants: normal, liquid fuel only, oxidizer only, monopropellant, xenon gas FL-T800 Fuel tank with 1.25m diameter, capacity 800 unit of fuel, 4000kg of fuel Variants: normal, liquid fuel only, oxidizer only, monopropellant, xenon gas, scramjet Derived version of FL-T800 for stages with SCRAMjet engines: FL-T1200SC - Fuel tank with 1.25m diameter, capacity 1200 unit of fuel, 6000kg of fuel for SCRAMjet FL-T1800SC - Fuel tank with capacity 1800 unit of fuel, 9000kg of fuel for SCRAMjet FL-T2250SC - Fuel tank with capacity 2250 unit of fuel, 11250kg of fuel for SCRAMjet FL-T3200SC - Fuel tank with 2.5m diameter, capacity 3200 unit of fuel, 16000kg of fuel for SCRAMjet FL-T5100SC - Fuel tank with 2.5m diameter, capacity 5100 unit of fuel, 25500kg of fuel for SCRAMjet Large and huge propellant tanks: ALW-T4000 Fuel tank with 2.5m diameter, 0.9375m high, capacity 800 unit of fuel, 4000kg of fuel ALW-T8000 Fuel tank with 2.5m diameter, 1.875m high, capacity 1600 unit of fuel, 8000kg of fuel ALW-T16000 Fuel tank with 2.5m diameter, 3.75m high, capacity 3200 unit of fuel, 16000kg of fuel variants: combined with monopropellant tanks, SCRAMjet ALW-T32000 Fuel tank with 2.5m diameter, 7.5m high, capacity 6400 unit of fuel, 32000kg of fuel variants: combined with monopropellant tanks, SCRAMjet ALW-T37500 Fuel tank with 3.75m diameter, 3.75m high, capacity 7500 unit of fuel, 37500kg of fuel variants: combined with monopropellant tanks, ALW-T75000 Fuel tank with 3.75m diameter, 7.5m high, capacity 15000 unit of fuel, 75000kg of fuel ALW-T64000 Fuel tank with 2.5m diameter, 15m high, capacity 12800 unit of fuel, 64000kg, of fuel ALW-T155000 Fuel tank with 3.75m diameter, 15m high, capacity 30000 unit of fuel, 155000kg of fuel Nuclear reactor Alchemy Nucleonics presents new nuclear reactors series ALN-NR and ALN-NRHD. Our nuclear reactors are fully automated and do not require virtually any manual operating for at least 10 years of operation at full power. The reactors are equipped with a reliable, fully automatic safety protection against overheating, which does not require operator intervention. ALN-NRHD type reactors are designed for heavy duty service. Our offer includes: - Nuclear Reactor ALN-NR-25-125 Topaz with electric output power 25unitEC per sec and diameter 1.25m - Nuclear Reactor ALN-NRHD-20-125 Granit with electric output power 25unitEC per sec and diameter 1.25m - Nuclear Reactor ALN-NR-125-250 Sapphire with electric output power 125unitEC per sec and diameter 2.50m - Nuclear Reactor ALN-NRHD-100-250 Basalt with electric output power 100unitEC per sec and diameter 2.50m - Nuclear Reactor ALN-NR-625-375 Rubin with electric output power 625unitEC per sec and diameter 3.75m - Nuclear Reactor ALN-NRHD-500-375 Diorite with electric output power 500unitEC per sec and diameter 3.75m - Nuclear Reactor ALN-NR-750-375 Emerald with electric output power 750unitEC per sec and diameter 3.75m Since nuclear reactors in operation produce enormous amounts of heat – heat output during operation is the same as its the electric power – we also offer cooling radiators suitable for this purpose. Powerful types of radiators are extendable, like photovoltaic panels, that occupied the least space during transport. Cooling panel ALL-HRS is not movable, and is characterized by high resistance to damage. Our offer includes the following cooling radiators: - Folding radiator ALL-HR-80 provides cooling power 80 unit - Folding radiator ALL-HR-20 provides cooling power 20 unit - Folding radiator ALL-HR-5 provides cooling power 5 unit - Stationary radiator ALL-HRS-05 provides cooling power 0.5 unit For installation of cooling radiators we recommend using the Modular Girder system AWT. Propulsion system Small rocket engines ALL-LV-3/6/10 - Small rocket engines working on liquid fuel and oxidizer. Derived from the engine LV-1 and LV-1R with thrust of 3, 6 or 10kN. ALL-LV-1M/3M/6M/10M - Small rocket engines working on monopropellant. Derived from the engine LV-1 and LV-1R with thrust of 1; 3; 6 or 10kN. RV-201LFO, RV-205LFO, RV-210LFO - RCS engines for liquid fuel and oxidizer with thrust of 1; 5 and 10 kN RCS and thruster engines for monopropellant with thrust of 1; 5 and 10 kN Medium size engines ALE-375/385 Munsail – engine with a diameter of 1.25m and thrust 375/385 kN ALE-170/180 Munwalker – engine with a diameter of 1.25m and thrust 170/180 kN Electric propulsion (ion engines) PB-ION-5 - engine with a diameter of 0.625m, thrust 0.5kN PB-ION-25 - engine with a diameter of 1.25m, thrust 2.5kN PB-ION-50 - engine with a diameter of 1.25m, thrust 5kN PB-ION-100 - engine with a diameter of 1.25m, thrust 10kN PB-ION-300 - engine with a diameter of 2.5m, thrust 30kN SCRAMjet Experimental SCRMAJet engines and other components. ALE-10D/E; ALE-110E - rocket-ramjet (SCRAMjet) engines using liquid fuel and oxidizer SCRAMjet Air Intake I/II - suction unit (air intake) ALW-CU-xx - conversion unit for transforming intake air to oxidizer (ratio 10 : 2) for 1 – 6 suction units ALW-MB-xx - mounting brackets for 1 – 6 engines, can contains fuel, aditional central mountig port intended for small or medium size rocket engine ("apogee engine") - fuel tanks with a special ratio of fuel and oxidizer Rocket-ramjet engines (SCRAMjet engines) have a special curve "height - Isp" and "speed - thrust". The initial Isp is low, with increasing altitude and speed increases, the maximum Isp lies at an altitude about 20 km and then gradually decreases to a value typical for normal rocket engines in vacuum. SCRAMjet engines provide maximum thrust at a speed of 1000 to 1500 m/s. Engines have unusual fuel - Oxydizer ratio. "Modular Base for SCRAMjet Intake" is intended as a montage console for Air Intake and act as conversion unit, transforming IntakeAir to Oxydizer. Usage is essential. "Modular Base for SCRAMjet engine" is intended as a mounting bracket for the SCRAMjet engine. Use is recommended. Fuel Tank for SCRAMjet engines containing fuel and oxidant in a proportion appropriate for typical use. Use is highly recommended. Appropriately designed flying machine / space launch vehicle can be capable of reaching orbit as SSTO. Condition for success is to find the right ascend path profile. Trajectory for putting space launch vehicles with SCRAMjet engines in to orbit is not a simple convex curve. MechJeb2 in automatic mode is unable to reach orbit. Modules Energetic modules (part no. ALT-EMxxxx) Energetic modules are covered with solar panels and contain powerful batteries. Our solar panels used on service modules correctly responding to illuminate by sunlight or to blocking the sunlight. Alchemy Technologies offers modules with a diameter of 1.25, with diameter of 2.5 and with a diameter of 3.75 Service modules (part no. ALT-SMxxxx) Service moduls containing module S.A.S, reaction wheels, powerful electric batteries and an amount of monopropellant. Depending on the variant, service modul may contains additionally an amount of conventional liquid fuels, or xenon gas for ion electric propulsion. Depending on the variant, service modul may contains additionally energetic sources - solar panels or RTG generators with cooling panels. Alchemy Techniologies offers service modules with diameter of 1.25, with a diameter of 2.5 and with a diameter of 3.75. Modular Girder System AWT Standard Modular Girder parts in eight sizes. System AWT contains seven parts: - Adapter - Node - Truss 1 (Segment) - Truss 1 Cubic - Truss 3 (Segment XL) - Octagonal structure (octogonal strut) in two different degrees of size - Cubic structure (Cubic octogonal strut) in two different degrees of size Fuel tank adapters: ALW-AAxxx-1T3 "Triga x.xx" - adapter 1x 1.25m to 3x 1.25m; adapter 1x 2.5m to 3x 2.5m; adapter 1x 3.75m to 3x 3.75m short, long ALW-AAxxx-3T1 "Triga x.xxR" - adapter 3x 1.25m to 1x 1.25m; adapter 3x 2.5m to 1x 2.5m; adapter 3x 3.75m to 1x 3.75m short, long ALW-AAxxx-1T4 "Quadriga x.xx" - adapter 1x 1.25m to 4x 1.25m; adapter 1x 2.5m to 4x 2.5m; adapter 1x 3.75m to 4x 3.75m short. long ALW-AAxxx-4T1 "Quadriga x.xxR" - adapter 4x 1.25m to 1x 1.25m; adapter 4x 2.5m to 1x 2.5m; adapter 4x 3.75m to 1x 3.75m short, long ALW-ABxxx-1T1-yyy/L/S – adapter 1x 0.625m to 1x 1.25m normal / short / long; 1x 1.25m to 1x 2.5m short / long, adapter 1x 2.5m to 1x 3.75m long / short ALW-AB250-1T2-125 – adapter 1x 2.5m to 2x 1.25m ALW-AB250-1T3-125 – adapter 1x 2.5m to 3x 1.25m ALW-AB250-1T4-125 – adapter 1x 2.5m to 4x 1.25m ALW-AC250-3T1-375 – adapter 3x 2.5m to 1x 3.75m ALW-AC250-4T1-375 – adapter 4x 2.5m to 1x 3.75m ALW-AC375-1T3-250 – adapter 1x 3.75m to 3x 2.5m ALW-AC375-1T4-250 – adapter 1x 3.75m to 4x 2.5m Modular base for rocket engines: ALW-MB-375/3x250 – modular base for 3(4)x engines with 2.5m base for 3.75m tank ALW-MB-375/4x250 – modular base for 4(5)x engines with 2.5m base for 3.75m tank ALW-MB-375/6x250 – modular base for 6(7)x engines with 2.5m base for 3.75m tank MT versions contains intergrated monopropellant tank For tanks with a diameter of 2.5 meters we recommend using a Mobius RocketWorks Parts http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/mrw-cluster-engine-mounts/ Decouplers and separators ALW-DA-12/xxx - Axial Decoupler with diameter 1.25m, 2.5m; 3.75m ALW-DA-13/xxx - Axial Decoupler with diameter 1.25m, 2.5m; 3.75m; low profile ALW-DAS-12/xxx - Axial Decoupler with diameter 1.25m, 2.5m; 3.75m; low decouple force, use group of integrated small solid rocket engines for soft and safe stage separation ALW-SA-12/xxx - Axial Stack Separator with diameter 1.25m, 2.5m; 3.75m ALW-SA-13/xxx - Axial Stack Separator with diameter 1.25m, 2.5m; 3.75m; low profile ALW-SA-12/xxx - Axial Stack Separator with diameter 1.25m, 2.5m; 3.75m ALW-DR-37/500 - Radial decoupler for big 2.5m and 3.75m parts (bigger version of TT-38K radial decoupler) ALW-DR-39 - Radial decoupler for 0.625m or smaller parts (smaller version of TT-38K radial decoupler) ALW-DR-68 - Radial decoupler for big 2.5m and 3.75m parts (bigger version of TT-70 radial decoupler) ALW-DR-69 - Radial decoupler for 2.5m parts (bigger version of TT-70 radial decoupler) ALW-DR-71A - Radial decoupler (versions of TT-70 radial decoupler) ALW-DR-72A/B/C/D - Radial decoupler (versions of TT-70 radial decoupler) ALW-DR-75A/B/C - Radial decoupler (smaller versions of TT-70 radial decoupler) Testing weights Testing weights, weighing from 1 kg to 10 tonnes, in diameter of 0.3125; 0.625 and 1.25, with decouplers. Useful for precise balancing of CoM or load testing of new launchers. + some others parts All parts Propulsion and fuel tanks RCS thrusters and Service modules Construction parts for SCRAMJET, adapters, testing weights, Modular base for rocket engines, Modular Girder System AWT Decouplers and Separators, air intakes, baterry, nuclear reactors, Energetics modules License
NieÄÂo už mám spáchané... Potil som to skoro dva dni, obrázky budú zrejme z imguru (miestny systém som nejak nepochopil) Môžete sa na to pozrieÃ…Â¥ a prÃÂpadne opraviÃ…Â¥ preklepy alebo "blbé" formulácie? Edit01: reactor opravený
ÄŒo je v plugine: Nádrže - kapacita od 60 kg (12 jednotiek) do 155 ton paliva, priemery od 0,625 do 3,75 PrÃÂsluÅ¡enstvo k nádržiam - rozliÄÂné adaptéry (bez decouplerov) Motory - zopár "mikromotorov", dva/Å¡tyri klasické (priemer 1,25), päť xenonových (priemer od 0,625 do 2,5) KorekÄÂné motorÄÂeky na monoergol i na klasické palivo Servisné moduly ALT-SM Blok o veľkosti nádrže FL-T200, FL-T800 a podobne obsahuje stabilizaÄÂné gyroskopy, modul SAS, sluÅ¡né batérie, zásobu monopropellantu a klasického paliva alebo xenonu. Niektoré majú funkÄÂné solárne panely, iné RTG zdroje Energetické moduly ALT-EM Blok o veľkosti nádrže FL-T200, FL-T800 a podobne obsahuje batérie a slneÄÂné panely Jadrové reaktory a chladiace panely SlneÄÂné panely Batérie KonÅ¡trukÄÂné prvky - mrežové konÅ¡trukcie rôznej veľkosti, testovacie závažia od 1kg do 10 ton, motorové lôžka pre nádrže s priemerom 3,75 a motory s priemerom 2,5 SCRAMjet motory a prÃÂsluÅ¡enstvo - sacáky, konverzné jednotky air-to-oxidizer, konÅ¡trukcie pre uchytenie motorov, nádrže so osobitným pomerom paliva VÅ¡etky prvky sú odvodené od základných prvkov od Squad, lÃÂÅ¡ia sa veľkosÃ…Â¥ou, textúrami a funkciou
njn, pracujem na tom, ale s engliÄÂtinom nekamarátim, takže nieÄÂo vypotiÃ…Â¥ je problém Obrázky: http://kyklop.imgur.com
Tak som spáchal jeden väÄšàplugin http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-22-x-alchemy-technologies-products/ obsahuje asi 340 dielcov
Takže: malé vÃÂÃ…Â¥azstvo! hoci za cenu "hnusného" rieÅ¡enia V model000.mu (solarpanel5) existuje prvok "suncatcher", ktorý vystupuje aj v "MODULE" definÃÂcii zdroje energie (definuje vlastne normálu k aktÃÂvnemu povrchu panelu). "Hnusnou" hexa-editáciou som to zmenil na suncatch01 - suncatch04. ZÃÂskal som tak Å¡tyri rôzne modely *.mu. Potrebujem teda pre súbor *.CFG Å¡tyri rôzne prvky MODEL (Å¡tyri modelXY.mu) a Å¡tyri prvky MODULE (definÃÂcie energetického zdroja), ktorá sa lÃÂÅ¡ia oznaÄÂenÃÂm prvku, ktorý sa pôvodne volal suncatcher. Funguje to dobre - skutoÄÂne sa to chová pri výrobe energie ako Å¡tyri "reálne" solárne panely pootoÄÂené voÄÂi sebe o 90°, potrebuje to priame osvetlenie slnkom a pri poÅ¡kodenàprestane vyrábaÃ…Â¥ energiu.