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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I think they're pretty well-balanced, but being able to run time-warp while just running ion engines would be great for some of those longer burns. Then we'd be able to fly brachistochrone transfers between planets instead of just Hohmann transfers (burn your engine until you're halfway there, then turn around and burn the other way to stop).
  2. Attach another extendable ladder at the top and angle it towards the door maybe? Also you could add one of the Rockomax size adapters to give a gradual slope to your ladder.
  3. Thanks! I figured as much and installed it in a stock 0.23 install. I'm now in transit for Jool.
  4. Good to know! I'll see if I can get it done for this week's KSP Misadventure.
  5. I've started playing around with it. I'm recording video of my playthrough too. So far, I decided that Elvis needed to land the SSTO spaceplane attached to the Horizon space station (both of which were VERY nicely designed, by the way). Flies very nicely, especially for stock aerodynamics. I'll get to planning my transfer maneuvers soon. EDIT: I would only, of course, publish the playthrough as one of my weekly KSP Misadventures with your permission (after the competition is completed or when the secrets are out or a spoiler warning) to prevent spoiling it for anyone, and I'll PM you about it beforehand.
  6. Jebediah's feeling hot.
  7. This looks like a really cool challenge. I'm going to try it ASAP
  8. Quicksave and try to make sure you land on the ground, not the water. Water in KSP is way more destructive than land for some reason, and I have to remind my friends of this every time I fly a plane that runs out of fuel and miss the runway as I try to circle around to land.
  9. Hello, world! I'm glad to be back on the KSP forums! My first KSP video, about an awesome mission I flew this weekend to the Mun. I hope to go on a (mis)adventure every week. I've even got a nice microphone I want to try out.
  10. @Kurotenshi: Those look really faithful to the originals! I really like the heatshield on your Apollo CM. Really nice usage of that adapter part.
  11. An Orion-inspired capsule, I can get 3 Kerbals to Minmus orbit, perform EVA landings, and return to Kerbin. Or, I can get up to Jebediah Station for crew transfers to it and my 3 IP cruisers, shown about to depart on a joint mission to Vall, Tylo, and Laythe.
  12. The B9 Shuttle looks really good! Also I'm impressed at all the Soyuz replicas. Go pat yourselves on your backs. Without further ado, I present the KSS Kerbalprise (All Stock 0.19). Another Screenshot Another Screenshot I tried to be as accurate to a 1/10 scale of the TOS original as I could. I think it was around 1500 parts and it turned my computer into a slideshow. I think I can safely say we don't yet have the technology to boldy go where no Kerbal has gone before with that many parts yet. EDIT: I hope this is still on-topic with this thread under the category of being a "concept" spacecraft. If not I apologize.
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