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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Gentleman and germs, I have found something which absolutely tickled me to death in total nerd-gasmic fashion. While reading the part descriptions, I noticed a little something something that I found quite interesting. If one reads the description for the Z-100 Rechargeable battery bank, one may notice a little easter egg. As any self-respecting Whovian will know, reversing the polarity of anything will certainly fix said anything. So my question to all ye explosion masters, is what other canon references have you noticed throughout the Kerbal Universe?
  2. Definitely a broadcast journalism major and I still love all the calculations associated with this game hahahah
  3. And by happy launching, we really mean happy explosions. :-D
  4. Well, I did it. Although I finished this without looking at the rules, so I suppose my submission is void. I used the B9 pack for my plane, as well as FAR. Oh, well also, I suppose I used drop tanks too. Oh, and the lazor mod simply for navigation purposes. However, it was an absolutely spectacular flight, a polar circumnavigation cruising between 12-17km at 1200m/s for less than an hour, and I was back at KSC. However, the scary part was landing, considering I had never had a successful landing with the aircraft I used, so I prepared myself for several go-arounds. On the first run, I came in a little high and fast, but successfully touched down going .5+/- mach and hit the brakes. Did I mention it was at night? Well, as luck would have it my front wheel LITERALLY stopped between the landing lights on the runway, (I landed backwards, because I just had to do a flyby and buzz the tower following such an epic journey, the first of its sort for me). http://i.imgur.com/VMbr2w6.png' alt='VMbr2w6.png'> Literally right where I came to a stop, an hour and 5 minutes in with 1100 litres of liquid fuel left. Unfortunately, as I tried to EVA my pilot to plant a flag in honor of this momentous occasion, CRASH BANG GRIND, my game crashed. And regardless, I know this doesn't even come close to the rules for this challenge, I'm still happy for such a prolonged and detailed mission being completed successfully, and without even leaving the atmosphere.
  5. So, is there any chance of this being updated to .21? Because this is certainly one of my favorite science mods for this game..
  6. Well, lo siento compadre. Because I'm out of ideas, but I must say that is a problem I sincerely I wish I had.
  7. Could be several issues, 1. is that NovaPunch may not be compatible with FAR as of yet. I know fairings tend to cause strange anomalies under the influence of FAR, I remember procedural fairings had some issues before it became compatible with FAR. In Scott Manley's video about the procedural fairings he shows it using FAR flight dynamics, and it literally was doing flips by the time it reached 100m/s. 2. what are you doing going 400m/s at 5000m? I try to limit my speed to >200m/s until I <10,000m, because beneath that 200m/s is when the most aerodynamic stresses are placed on your ship. Slow down, and perhaps you will have a little more control. Also, make sure your center-line engines are gimbaling. Hope this helps
  8. For some reason, I cannot complete missions. I tried the first mission of the civilian space program, and for some reason my orbital parameters are not registering. I have matched the min/max periapsis/apoapsis, however only the periapsis is registering as within mission parameters. Could somebody please explain this bug to me so I don't lose my funding? I have a screenshot of the issue, but as I am new to the forums I lack the knowledge as to how to put a picture in a comment outside of linking it to an online image.
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