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Everything posted by NavyFish

  1. Picture an imaginary line extending out from the target docking port. Call this "centerline". The green lines indicate where centerline is with respect to your ship. So if they are above and right of the gauge center, then your ship is below and left of centerline, so if you translate towards the green cross - up and right in this case, you will move toward centerline. Note that the display is relative to your current orientation. So if the green cross is centered laterally but above the center of the gauge vertically, then you were to roll 180 degrees, the green cross would now be below the center of the gauge.
  2. Yes, but this is only useful around the 0 degree mark. What if you are trying to align at a 90 angle?
  3. That change should be simple, but it will have to wait until later next week.
  4. Would it be more clear if the numbers ranged from 0-359.9 (0 at the top), instead of the way they are now (-180 to +180)?
  5. Hah, not a bad idea. I have another indicator mod planned, though it's significantly more simple than this one, so perhaps after that one's done I'll shoot your a PM and we can discuss what that might look like. No promises though I'll be taking a break from dev work for the next week and going on vacation, so please continue to post feedback, though my responses will have to wait until I'm back. Thanks for all the positive comments and suggestions, folks! KSP has a really sweet modding community compared to what's out there! -Navy
  6. Remember, you can turn on a numerical display of roll through the settings menu. Can't get much more accurate than that!
  7. Whoops! I left debugging on.. The download has been fixed, but if you grabbed a copy before now, you may wish to re-download
  8. Version 2.1 has been released! Head over to the Spaceport to download! Changelog can be found on the First Post.
  9. Version 2.1 will be out momentarily. The proposed change to the TVI is quite nice - thanks again softweir. I ended up going with +/- 3.5 m/s at full deflection, which feels like a good middle-ground, and threw in a touch of exponential scaling to increase the precision when the indicator is nearly centered. Stay tuned!
  10. Thank you for the suggestion. I'm trying out this approach as we speak! (No pun intended )
  11. I'm tweaking the value a little bit, I agree it's just a little too twitchy. That twitchiness is ultimately caused by the exponential scaling, which is designed to improve precision, so it's always going to be a little more sensitive towards the center of the gauge. But perhaps not that sensitive
  12. While tracking down the TVI reversal bug mentioned by Mr. Shifty, I discovered something else: CVEL is currently acting as "true" vel, and not pure closure vel along the target port's normal vector. This is not the intended behaviour, and will be fixed in the next point release (coming soon). Sorry for the confusion!
  13. That very well may be a bug. I will try to reproduce it this weekend. Thanks! The CDI turns red when you are on the 'back' side of the targeted docking port. So, if you picture a docking port facing the "north" pole of a sphere that is surrounding it, the CDI will turn red whenever you are below the equator. Several people have mentioned automatically selecting a docking port once the target vehicle is selected - I think this is a good idea and am looking into how it can be done. In addition to this, I think it may be useful if the gauge had a couple of little buttons on it which would let you 'cycle' through each of the targeted ship's docking ports. Unfortunately, it seems that KSP only allows individual docking ports to be targeted if they are within 200m. I have not placed this limitation in my own code. That having been said, I'll see what can be done to get around said limitation. Currently CVEL does show just the component of relative velocity that is normal to the docking port, although DST shows true distance to the port (all components). As you (and Specialist290) mention, it might indeed make more sense if DST displayed only the component of distance that's normal to the targeted port. I'll have to play around with that change for a bit to get a sense of what's better, but I'm open to hearing a discussion on the options if anyone else has an opinion on the subject. Again, thanks to everyone for your continued input!
  14. Thanks! Let us know how you like it. Always open to constructive feedback on existing or potential features!
  15. Thanks guys! It's awesome to see this actually assist people! Please feel free to leave your feedback and suggestions as I'm always looking for ways to improve the next version!
  16. There shouldn't be two DLL files. I recommend deleting "NavyFish" as well as the original "DockingPortAlignment" folder from 1.0, then doing a fresh install.
  17. Docking Port Alignment Indicator Version 2.0 Released!! Features: Automatically pops-up when you target docking port. Requires no special parts! Use it on existing ships with ease. Provides orientation indicators for yaw, pitch, and roll. Displays a “Turn Towards†arrow when alignment is too far off. Displays “Course Deviation†from your target’s approach centerline. Displays distance to target, closure velocity. Visually depicts translational movement with respect to centerline. Easy-to-read, simple gauge. No numbers or head-scratching! Changelog: Version 2.0: Added Course Deviation Indicators (CDI) Enhanced precision of roll indicator Added Translational Velocity vector adde closure velocity and distance readouts added settings menu Increased precision of alignment indicator with exponential scaling Retouched all graphics Version 1.0: First Release New Video showing off the added features in 2.0! SpacePort Link **Please note that the SpacePort page is currently broken. It is not accepting edits, so not only displays an old image, but also reports very outdated installation instructions. Please reference the Readme.txt included with the download for proper installation instructions. Thank you for understanding!**
  18. Bug's squashed, but I'm going to hold off for one more day and really make sure it's water-tight. I'd rather not have to release a version 2.1 Thanks for your patience!
  19. Actually, I just finished the code for 2.0. I'm refactoring it a bit to clean up the execution, but I plan to release it tonight. Couple hours tops. EDIT: Found a bug :/ still squashing.
  20. Man, if carrier chow is the best there is, I feel really bad for the folks onboard small boys! That stuff gets old after 2 weeks, let alone 8 months. But at least we had hot meals 3 times a day.
  21. I appreciate that. You'll be pleasantly surprised how effective the velocity vector is in conjunction with the CDI lines, though. Tangential velocity numbers are really not needed. While testing, I'm consistently getting lined up on course at 20 meters, cancelling out my translation, then setting a CVEL of .2 and coasting the rest of the way with zero additional input. It's almost too easy.
  22. I see where you're going with that. It's not a bad idea, but I think at this point the simplest way to present the closure velocity is numerical. Our brains are used to viewing forward speed numerically, so I think that that method is probably the simplest way to communicate that information. But thank you for the effort! Regarding my name, I've PM'd you some details, but in short, I'm currently an active duty 1320 in the Navy, flying the E-2C.
  23. Hold on there, I never said anything about making an auto docker. That is well outside the scope of this mod!
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