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Everything posted by NavyFish

  1. As it stands, the 'sensitivity' of CDI indicator inherently increases the closer you get. This is because they're actually measuring course deviation as an angle. Thus, a 1 meter deviation at 30 meters of distance yields a much smaller angular deviation on the gauge than the same deviation would at 5 meters. By a similar logic, the tangential velocity vector becomes more sensitive as your closure velocity approaches zero. I've also managed to increase the sensitivity of the alignment indicator (for pitch and yaw), using exponential scaling. The angle deviation, normalized to a range of -1 to +1, is raised to a fractional exponent prior to being displayed. The result is an increased angular sensitivity towards the center of the gauge, without any sacrifice of angular range that the gauge can display.
  2. I don't intend to implement an approach cone at this time, I just thought the idea was neat. I am making the various indicators toggleable, so people who prefer a more minimalistic gauge can select it. For those who want it, version 2.0 can look almost exactly like version 1.0
  3. Whoops, forgot to mention that one. It depicts the prograde/retrorgrade vector projected on a plane perpedicular to the target port's approach vector. So, yes, effectively it's a tangential velocity indicator. I've found that they make using the CDI needles significantly easier. EDIT: the icon changes from prograde to retrograde as appropriate, while remaining the same color. The approach cone indicator sounds interesting , but not for this version. The CDI indicators actually never go off screen - instead they turn red to indicate you're on the wrong half of the docking 'hemisphere', but still provide an accurate depiction of your position relative to that imaginary line. It works quite well, you'll see what I mean soon enough! For the alignment indicator, I'm using the same system as I was in version 1.0: when it goes off-screen, an arrow points toward it. I'm currently exploring alternative methods, however, so if anyone has inputs I'd like to hear them. Also, at least for now, the roll indicator only appears when the alignment indicator is on screen.
  4. Sure thing: In the picture above, roll is indicated by the magenta triangle, which circles 360 degrees around the indicator. This provides far better resolution then the previous system. I did play around with extending a line from the orange alignment indicator, but it looked a bit ungainly. The green lines together form what is called a course deviation indicator (CDI) - they indicate your ship's position relative to an imaginary line extending outward from the target docking port. In the picture above, you can see that you are below and right of course. Once those green lines are in the center of the gauge, regardless of your orientation, you are sitting on this imaginary line.
  5. Version 2.0 is functionally complete, all that remains are graphical adjustments and a bit of housecleaning with the code. So to celebrate, I figured I'd give a sneak-preview of the new features in version 2. This is still a WIP so there are several small changes to make (for example I'll be adjusting the sizes of all of the icons, adding some roll tick marks, possibly changing the gauge crosshair a bit, etc). But if you have any major suggestions to make, now's the time to do it. -NavyFish
  6. I believe it will still work, however it may not work in future versions of KSP. I recommend placing future version of this mod in the GameData folder.
  7. I do not know if it works on older versions of KSP. Extract the zip to your GameData folder. No parts are required. I suspect that if you are having this much difficulty with the mod and are using .20 then it is not compatible with that version. Also, please read the thread as 2 of your 3 questions have been answered already. -Navy
  8. Thanks, I had considered that approach, but I know for a fact unity supports true type font loading. The problem is that it seems like they can only be loaded using the UnityEngine.Resources class, and our plugin directories don't seem to be traversed by that loader. I could read the files in as a byte stream using KSP.IO, but unity's font class doesn't have a constructor that will read those bytes. I could look into subclassing their font class and building a custom ttf loader, but needless to say that could be quite intensive. If I can somehow get the unity Resources class to look inside the gamedata directory, it would be problem solved. Any thoughts? Documentation: http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/ScriptReference/Resources.html
  9. I'll look into the compatibility issue. This mod is very self-contained, and isn't modifying any global data, so it's unlikely the problem is on this end. But I'll see what I can find. Just a quick update, work on the next version is progressing rapidly. I've implemented the course deviation needles and several other new features. I'm going to spend a few more days with it to give it some good spit and polish, so you can expect a release by the end of the week!
  10. Huh? I just copied this from the SpacePort site: "Simply Extract the top-level folder ("DockingPortAlignment") from the zip file, and place it in your "Kerbal Space Program\GameData\" directory." Either way, the GameData directory is correct. EDIT: I've contacted the SpacePort tech support. When I first created the SpacePort site, the text DID read "Plugins", but a day later I changed it to "GameData". My browser shows "GameData", but apparently you're not the only one who is still seeing the old text. Hopefully they can fix the disparity! Thanks for posting your comment, Apollo.
  11. That's because it's based on Trueborn's original artwork! I liked the aesthetic he produced, and asked for his permission to use the art (check the credits section of the readme).
  12. Does anyone know how to load custom fonts in a plugin? I'm having trouble getting Unity to locate my *.ttf file.
  13. You need to put the files in the GameData folder instead. It should look like: GameData DockingPortAlignment PluginData Source DockingPortAlignment.dll Readme.txt
  14. Not a bad idea. I'll test it out and see if it looks any good. Thanks!
  15. I do like the way that looks. It provides a lot of information without becoming cluttered (translational offset AND translational/tangential closure rate, since the needles will be moving). The goal of this indicator was to supplement the nav ball, but it looks like more and more people want to use it as a one-stop-shop docking solution, which obviously requires adding more information. I'm fine exploring this, so long as the gauge design sticks to its roots of being approachable, clean, and obvious. I'm currently playing around to make the display more accurate using either logarithmic scaling or piecewise sectors (i.e. an inner 'precision zone'). I don't want to have to display yaw/pitch error numbers. As for roll, I don't want to enlarge the icon much (which could improve roll readout accuracy), so I'm looking at making a tick on the outside of the gauge (see Andersenman's image), or might just cave in and display a number - if you have visual suggestions for a better way to improve the accuracy of the roll indicator, let's hear them.
  16. Thank you everyone for all the positive feedback. If anyone has a suggestion or ways to improve the indicator, by all means please share. That having been said, one of my goals with this plugin is for it to be unobtrusive and simple, hence why the gauge automatically hides itself when you're done. Originally, I'd intended for the alignment indicator to be a new NavBall icon, but I have yet to figure out how this can be done. Then again, even if I could depict an icon on the NavBall, I'm not sure if it would support the "Fly-To" arrow function, so perhaps a standalone gauge is for the better after all. There is one more instrumentation plugin I had in mind, and the continued feedback and demonstrated utility of this plugin will likely motivate me to go through with developing the next one. Although the functionality it will provide could be integrated into this plugin, I think that adding it would go against the goal of simplicity stated above, so will likely create an altogether separate plugin (which also auto-hides when not in use). When the time comes for that, I'll post a link in the OP to the new plugin. Once again, thanks for all the feedback, and good luck out there! -NavyFish
  17. Thanks! I was all sad-face for a moment. I'm working on a quick visual tutorial, should be posting it shortly. My first KSP plugin, so your feedback would be greatly appreciated!
  18. Yes, sorry about that, thanks Albert! Here's the link: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/dock-align-indicator/ Whoa... did the main post disappear??
  19. Docking Port Alignment Indicator (Version 6.8.5) The Docking Port Alignment Indicator Provides all the information you need to dock with precision and ease on a single, intuitive gauge. See it in action here: Additional Features Include: Easily cycle between docking ports up to 2.5 km away. No more pixel hunting with your cursor. Requires no special parts! Will just work on all new and existing vessels. Give your docking ports custom names (both in flight and editor) for later reference on the gauge. Automatic Raster Prop Monitor integration. Dock with IVA glory. KSP AVC Integration - stay up to date! Lives on either Blizzy's Toolbar or the Stock App Launcher (defaults to Blizzy's if available) Download From Curse Forge -or- Download From Space Dock Source Code available on GitHub: https://github.com/bfishman/Docking-Port-Alignment-Indicator/ Paypal donations welcome and deeply appreciated! Huge thanks to Micha who's been helping keep this mod up-to-date lately!! Latest Version: Version 6.8.5 - 12/24/19 Compiled for KSP 1.8.1 [fixed] Stock Toolbar icon showing up in different scenes (main menu). [update] Defaults to using Stock Toolbar. Historical changelog: This mod includes version checking using MiniAVC. If you opt-in, it will use the internet to check whether there is a new version available. Data is only read from the internet and no personal information is sent. For a more comprehensive version checking experience, please download the KSP-AVC Plugin. Check out these great videos by community members!
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