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Everything posted by NavyFish

  1. Did you completely remove the prior version of DPAI? If not, delete the entire Navyfish folder and drop 6.8.1's in there. I fixed that..
  2. The download contains MM 3.06 so perhaps that's what's doing it. Literally zero code changes since 6.8.0.
  3. UPDATE Version 6.8.1: [updated] Recompiled for KSP 1.4.1 (might not be available on curseforge for a bit, they're not yet 'recognizing' 1.4.1 as a new version)
  4. 6.7 works fine on 1.3.1 or 1.3.0 6.8 recompiled w/ new KSP DLLs so probably best not to use that on 1.3.x
  5. Yeah, derp. I have fixed the files on both spacedock and curse, neither had many downloads yet (probably because of that 'minor' nit). Apologies to anyone who got the bad version file
  6. Thanks for your awesome site VITAS! It's good practice doing it the old fashioned way haha
  7. Version 6.8.0 - 03/09/18 [updated] Recompiled for KSP 1.4.0 [fixed] Application Launcher Icon no longer hangs around the main menu... for reals this time Please note, it's not up on Spacdock (and thus not on CKAN), because Spacedock hasn't yet added support for version 1.4.0. I expect that'll be fixed by tomorrow. @Fweds Now that it's updated please remove your hosted file. I don't want to confuse folks and/or end up supporting multiple codebases. Thank you. (Also, in the future.. please indicate 'unofficial' in the title of any recompiled versions for the sake of clarity)
  8. DPAI supports multiple ports per part, or at least it used to, but for the life of me I can't remember or find the name of the parts I used for testing. It was a habitat from some colony pack. I believe they had multiple DockingPortNode modules on the same part, each with independent transforms or something to that effect. If you can find a part out there with multiple ports on it, test it, and if it works just copy the layout for their cfg file. I haven't touched KSP or DPAI for quite some time now... /necro
  9. Derp, I must have forgotten to include the updated version file in the latest release despite creating it on avc. Well, you guys will have to deal with it for a little bit, I'm not in a position to re-upload anything. Sorry!
  10. Odd, it should have updated CKAN via Spacedock. Thanks for the report. @Olympic1 mind helping out with this? I am traveling and don't want to do any pull requests from my phone..
  11. Thanks for the report! Hooray thank you for checking. I'll update the OP
  12. Yep, thanks. Known bug. I've been quite delinquent in updating the mod. Glad it still works @Alshain I tried your fix (a couple months ago, derp), but it didn't seem to work. Are you sure "ApplicationLauncher.Instance.RemoveModApplication" is the correct function to call upon the unreadifying event?
  13. First do a full CKAN refresh, then with DPAI selected in CKAN look at the information pane towards the right side of the window and click the "Versions" tab. From there, select and install 6.7.0. If that doesn't work, manually install DPAI (download it from spacedock or curseforge), and CKAN will auto-detect the version next time you load it. This should be resolved shortly - the metadata for 6.6.0 will be removed from KCAN, as it no longer exists as a downloadable (as you discovered!). Please let me know if you have trouble getting this to work. Thanks. Navy
  14. Can you give us some examples? DPAI 6.7.0 is *not* compatible with KSP 1.2.2. if you're using 1.2.2., keep using DPAI 6.5.2.
  15. FYI I just released 6.7.0 to bring an end to the versioning and KCAN conflicts. No changes from 6.6.0 apart from a new .version file - it was done to 'purge' the corrupted version from Spacedock. Please update to 6.7.0 if you downloaded 6.6.0.
  16. Thanks for the quick turnaround. I just put in another PR, see below. Ok. I've changed the min version on KCAN for 6.6.0 to 1.2.0. Thanks.
  17. Any idea where or how to change that on CKAN? I never update that manually, it's pushed by Spacedock. I had to re-upload a zipfile with a missing file so I bet that's what hapenned. EDIT Nevermind, I think I figured it out. There was indeed an erroneous metadata file in the KCAN archive. I've submitted a PR to remove it. Out of my hands until that's mergerd, thanks for the heads up.
  18. I see what you're going for, but to be perfectly honest with you, I wouldn't expect that feature to be incorporated into DPAI. A) I feel it's a bit too far outside the scope of the plugin, and B) this plugin is in a bit of a 'holding pattern' (at least for the time being), where I'm keeping on top of major compatibility issues but not presently adding new features. That having been said, all of the code for this is open-source, so if you are feeling ambitious and wanted to create a mod of your own based off my code, I certainly would not be offended. @ HardKerbin & Phineas Freak - sounds like it was an issue with VSR. Thanks for helping Phineas out, HK. Phineas: if you loaded an incompatible version of a plugin with the latest KSP, it may have botched your save file, especially if VSR uses module manager. I had an 80+ hour KSP interstellar game going and ended up with a corrupt save file after a KSP update, due to a plugin that was using module manager. It was a real bummer, basically lost several vessels into thin air and the rest became incapable of docking. This is why I (since then), always copy the "stock" KSP folder (from Steam or wherever else) to a separate directory - this will prevent it from auto updating, and can serve as a backup if you want to (copy it again) and try out new mods or a new KSP version without fear of losing your save. Good luck, and here's hoping you find a solution.
  19. Weird, something must have changed in the KSP API because I could have sworn that was how it used to work. In general, the whole targeting part of this plugin is due for a major rework. It's unweildly, and was written back when very little KSP API documentation was available, and when far fewer game event hooks were exposed. Quick question for the community - are there any developers out there that would be willing to lend a hand with this plugin? I'm not looking to entirely hand over development responsibility, but if it turned out there was a huge groundswell of support I would be more inclined to move towards a more collaborative development environment. First step would be setting up a GitHub repo. The one thing I *don't* want are 'non official' versions of DPAI floating around, as this causes a huge headache for troubleshooting.
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