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  1. I'm surprised at how much I like the Kerbals. I'm always looking at their faces when I'm playing..and almost always laughing when something happens. For example, Jeb was in a rocket that was about to blow up. It did. Jeb was not happy because he was about to die. So I ejected him out of the cockpit a few miles up , and suddenly he's happy again?!? Even tough he's about to die still. I guess dying in a capsule is worse then free falling head first hahaha. Love the Kerbals
  2. Hello, I'm rather new and I'm curious if there are any scenario's I can download or tutorials (like docking) I can download? I'm actually moving soon so my main PC in a box on the way to Austin Texas. :-) I'm using a crappy laptop that makes building and sending rockets up to space a laggish nightmere. So, I would rather download a scenario with two crafts already up in orbit so I can learn how to dock. I did a google search for ksp scenarios download...and I didn't find much. But then again I'm not the best at doing interwebz searches. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks, Dave
  3. My biggest complain is with myself for not staying focused on one task while I'm building something. Keep getting ideas for other stuff while I'm tyring to build something simple...ends up being a frankin-rocket-monster hahah
  4. Hello peeps, Recently discovered this sim. Got it a few days ago and I must say I'm blown away by the insane amount of things you can do in the sandbox mode. Building rockets, space planes, rovers, probes, flying in an atmosphere, in space, on other planets, docking, and just blowing sh*t up for fun!...and the list goes on a on. I love challeging sims and this one is prob the most challenging I've ever played. I've been mostly playing flight sims, so I really enjoy the level of detail put into the physics and flight dynamics. Incredible! And it's an Alpha product still! Diddly diddly damn! Pointless post I know, but had to share my excitment.
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