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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. thanx spinomonkey. I like the direction squad is heading in. The new aerodynamics are more closely based on real principles, while still having the bar set low enough that sci-fi like stuff is possible. I think the old aero was immersion-breaking. You don't have to be an engineer to know that the pointyness of something makes it streamlined, not its lack of weight.
  2. @Aanker i like your illustration, but disagree with your message. There is still variety in design choice. And despite your hotdog ship idea of 1.02, my first ssto in 1.02 looks like this. I used 3 turbojets and 2 "reliant"s since i don't have the rapier unlocked yet. I think anyone who built planes in the old had to learn the old aerodynamic system, and didn't build the greatest ship ever on their first try. Instead we made progress on our understanding of the game physics(we all had to learn it from scratch since there was no real world analogue), and i think a lot of the frustration on the forums stems from having that progress(the understanding of the system) reset.
  3. Hey, I just started actually trying to use this to fly most of my rockets, and I am having a great time with it. However, I noticed that ship:angularvel:roll seems to return a value proportional to yaw rate, and ship:angularvel:yaw seem to return roll rate. That little switch-up threw me off for a couple hours while trying to get my raw steering setup to run.
  4. Just thought I would drop in and say thanx for this neat mod... ...and let you know it has recently started giving my more adventurous Kerbals double ribbons for doing something first. (as in they get the "First Orbiter" ribbon as well as the "Orbiter" ribbon.) Again, thank you for making a mod that gives my kerbals more personality.
  5. I am so glad this mod is fixed, adding rotation was not fun. I do have one small complaint though :S When I come out of time warp with SAS on, the SAS system suddenly decides it is not pointing the right direction and takes evasive action. If I tap the "F" key immediately out of warp there is little consequence. I would recommend having the mod do this (reset the SAS orientation, or momentarily disable it out of time warp) automatically if possible. Other than that, I am super glad to have this mod; as I have been playing with greatly reduced pod torque and the temptation to abuse time warp has caught me off guard sometimes.
  6. I completely agree that transmission is inferior to returning home with tons of science. Maybe transmission values are too low, however, I think the new store-everything-in-the-pod system may also be op. I like being able to store stuff in my pod, but a limit would be nice, so I couldn't do all the biomes on Minimus in a single seat pod. (you know kerbals don't sample pebbles, it's they return a sack of rocks that makes Santa jealous) If this was the case, you would seriously consider the 40% transmission rate on an interplanetary mission, and you would most certainly bring a lab if Squad was to add storage to it or something.
  7. This looks great. I love persistent resources, now I have a reason to be afraid of settling on Eeloo. I just wanted to make sure the forum posts don't give you the impression that everyone wants 100% recycle capability, stock KSP has that already. I would like to have an incentive to limit the stay my research crew has, or have to account for the time to the next transfer window when packing supplies. You might make it so that some places have more useable resources (maybe some planets can sustain infinite habitation), or have an option to not kill kerbals, so that players who don't want to resupply their moon base can just move the oxygen from the crew and have them fall asleep till they need to be woken by the computer(by transferring oxygen back in that pod). I also wanted recommend you consider making a part that has a few kerbal*days, or kerbal*weeks of all the supplies so that players doing short trips to the mun or minimus don't have to add as many parts to their ships. I'm sure you already have thought of most of this, and so far you have done amazingly. I can't wait to see the release version.
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