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Posts posted by Adampeay

  1. Confirmed. In windowed mode, it is quite easy to move the window up far enough that the grabbable area is out of reach. I've sent a fix to sarbian that will prevent this by repositioning each window to be wthin the current screen dimensions when the settings are loaded, and also when the windows are hidden by the Toolbar icon. (Just click to hide, and then click to show it again and the windows will be moved back.) Thanks for reporting the bug with the clear and helpful screen shots! :D

    Yes, this also works in a pinch. :) The settings will be loaded from the config.xml on scene change, so if you don't want to reload the game: return to the Space Center, go delete the file, and then return to your Flight. The windows should be restored to their default positions.

    Thanks Roxette and Ozraven. Worked perfectly. You don't know how frustrating this was to have to EVA to transfer kerbals, even with crew manifest. :)

  2. I have a strange bug on the KSO Centreline Mounting Shroud, that it doesn't make the outside of the shell appear until it attaches and then it doesn't align properly with the shuttles cargo bay.

    I would upload a picture but I have no idea how sorry :(

    Any suggestions?

    Thank you for the great mod nevertheless!

    Hit F1 to take a screenshot. Then under your ksp folder where it shows gamedata, saves, plugins, etc. There will be a folder called screenshots. It should be in there.

  3. I have a problem when I pick a part from a container. I then can only use the drop key and pick it up from space but not by right clicking it. This makes it very hard to link pipes and whatnot.

    I have a similar problem. After I take a part from a container it disappears. But I can never find it. When I go back to the tracking station, it says it's floating near the station but I can never find it.

  4. Does this mean the problem is gradually getting worse? :D

    It could be that the control part is the wrong direction; if a probe core or capsule is pointing horizontal (it should be vertical for a rocket) it can muck up the SAS and controls...

    If not, are all your fuel lines (if applicable) symmetrical? You could have forgot to put symmetry on a fuel line so it isn't draining fuel for a tank on one side but is for the other, which would cause uneven weight distribution, causing the rocket to tip.

    I thought that was a problem but I made sure they were all going the right way. I couldn't use symmetry because it was asparagus staging. But it was multiple crafts doing it not just the one design.

    @Dortmunder, I did have four of the moveable wings on it, but they were maxed out in pitch and it would still tilt over.

  5. I don't know what it is but I can't get any ship into orbit after the ARM update. I have been playing KSP for a year now so I have a good idea how to play. But as soon as I lift off the ship automatically starts to veer west. It doesn't lean too fast but eventually around 10,000 m I cant correct it no matter what I do. I just hold the Pitch but the craft still veers off. I tried using Mechjeb and it has the same problem. The craft slowly leans towards the west until it flips around 10,000- 15,000 m. Any suggestions?

  6. No, it does not. People are overcomplicating Adam's issue. low RAM is more likely to cause a crash than anything else. It won't cause anything to not appear.

    If parts aren't appearing (and given that it works for other people) then he's either:

    • installed it incorrectly. (he explicitly mentioned earlier having copied the Gamedata folder from the zip to the Gamedata folder. Assuming he did not misword that then he just said what he's doing wrong right there)
    • In career mode and has not unlocked them.

    Then how am I supposed to download it. I thought you just had to extract and then copy the game data file.

  7. The problem is I can't really help you. Everyone gets exactly what I have installed minus RBR (Chatterer) and Squad. Every time I put up an update you guys get my exact GameData folder.

    If parts aren't showing up, it means you don't have any parts in Kerbal Space Program/GameData/KSO/Parts

    So try this:

    Download the latest build from the mirror http://www./download/1ryxdln51584bsr/KSOS_v204.zip. It could be the SpacePort is truncating it again?

    By the way, the distributable I keep mentioning is the exact same files Nazari, I and our testers are using. I simply grab everything and put it in a Zip and then upload. That one gets tested and then I update the download links to it. So you can see that if someone has a Visual, Graphical, Missing Parts errors, we're at a loss since none of that happens on our end. Data bugs, and config file issues is something we can deal with since we can reproduce that. Any other bugs such as missing parts, RPM bugs, etcetera is literally impossible for us to figure out since none of that happens on our end. Neither of us are programmers or know what goes on in the background of the various PC/MAC/Linux installations.

    Also, if you'll notice, there are already numerous users using the parts successfully. So common sense should tell you that something is wrong on your end.

    Once you download KSOS_v204.zip, extract it somewhere you will remember. You should get two folders; GameData and Ships.

    Navigate to your KSP installation (should be Steam/SteamApps/Common/Kerbal Space Program/

    Navigate to Steam/SteamApps/Common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData

    Delete everything in there exceptSquad. Squad should be the only folder found in that directory.

    Drag and drop all of the folders you got from KSOS_v204.zip found in GameData including ModuleManager_1_5_6.dll into Steam/SteamApps/Common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData. Alternatively you can just drag and drop the GameData folder you got from the archive you downloaded and Overwrite the GameData folder found in Steam/SteamApps/Common/Kerbal Space Program/

    When you're done, your GameData folder (Steam/SteamApps/Common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData) should look like this:

    Steam/SteamApps/Common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData/










    If you navigate to Steam/SteamApps/Common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData/KSO you will see:





    If you navigate to Steam/SteamApps/Common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData/KSO/Parts you will see:










    You get the idea.

    If for some reason you don't see those files or that directory structure, then you didn't install right or something else is going on. If you see that directory structure and see the files but when you start KSP don't see the parts, then I'm afraid I can't help you.

    At that point I'd have to recommend uninstalling KSO completely and using another mod that magically seems to work where as this one seems to be being hijacked by the illuminati to prevent it from working on some folks PCs properly... :P

    I'm sorry if you took my question the wrong way. I in no way was saying that's there was a problem on your end, its just Im not that familiar with with installing programs on a computer. I have never done it before. I admire the work you guys put in to these mods and I couldn't ask for more. I knew it was something I was doing wrong, I just didn't make that clear. Sorry if you were offended.

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