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Everything posted by Adampeay

  1. I Cant seem to get this mod to work. I had Phase 1 and that worked fine, but now after I deleted it and downloaded the new file, none of the parts show up. I don't know what's wrong. I extracted the file and copied the Gamedata folder into the gamedata folder of ksp. But the parts don't show up.
  2. Yes I shut them down to try and regain control but it was useless.
  3. This is the setup http://i.imgur.com/caCTplgs.jpg The next three images were taken in a 4 second window right after the SRB's decoupled. http://i.imgur.com/VLbl0RL.png http://i.imgur.com/mGtan6js.jpg http://i.imgur.com/8JLiw9Ps.jpg
  4. Sorry it's my first time ever importing pics. So I didn't know which program to use. Thanks for the advice
  5. Anything? can you post a pic or pics of what cargo has caused this and how everything was attached? This is the setup http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7303/12574086805_096f8497a0_m.jpg The next three images were taken in a 4 second window right after the SRB's decoupled. http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3671/12574568184_30e891c5e0_m.jpg http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2877/12574571004_57d83376c0_m.jpg http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3666/12574119315_20cdce0a1c_m.jpg
  6. Whenever I attach anything to the ports on the inside of the cargo bay, the shuttle goes into an uncontrollable spin somewhere between the SRB's decoupling and before the main fuel tank decouples. Any suggestions.
  7. Whenever I attach a decoupler and sattelite to the ports on the inside of the cargo bay, the shuttle goes into an uncontrollable spin end over end when the SRB's decouple. Any suggestions.
  8. Hi guys I just had a question on the game graphics. I have an AMD Radeon 6310 Hd graphics 1.30 ghz with 4 gigs of ram. And yet, I have all of the settings on the lowest posible and the games is basically unplayable. too much lag. Its a fairly new computer. Any thoughts, what kind of computer do I need to run games like this.
  9. Idk. I believe everything is installed correctly. Is their a tutorial on how to assemble the shuttle correctly
  10. How do you keep the center of gravity and center of thrust in line. The shuttle always takes off and comes at me and crashes
  11. Is there a way to find the weight of your craft. Like if I want to launch a rover can I find the weight of the rover. Not the whole rocket.
  12. Say when KSp 2.2 comes out and I download it will i have to start all of my bases and space stations over. and will I have to download all of the mods again.
  13. How do you figure out how fast an engine uses fuel.
  14. Annoying question. What is the IACBM for. My guess is it will allow kerbals to move between pods without EVA'ing or the use of crew manifest mod.
  15. Is there anyway to transfer crew between modules without going on an EVA?
  16. I copied it into the game data folder. I just got the game yesterday, so I'm not so sure of what I'm doing
  17. I have downloaded the demv mk5 ant and rat. But when I open the game they are not in any parts section. Help please.
  18. Adampeay


    Newcomer here. Is it possible to walk around inside you space station as a kerbal?
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