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Posts posted by Deathsoul097

  1. I personally think that KSP wont ever be finished, and that it will stay in a permanent beta-ey stage until squad decides they're done with it, and at which point, the community will band together and take it over like FAF. That just seems the most likely option, and if we ever see a KSP 2.0, it wont be a new KSP, it will just be the next milestone update, like 1.0, and 0.90.

  2. nice to see that camera shake will be in the stock game :)

    adjustable intensity of the shake does sound really good, let the player decide how much they want in game. Good for accessibility for those who have vertigo or similar, too.


    Love the camera shake plan, and im really liking the new features like aero and fairings! Good work Squad!

    (And good on the mods for the epic prank. Nice Icon, Sumghai :3)

  3. We could have Katherine Johnson for delivering the engineers report to give your your craft trajectories/stats/dV etc?

    An expert so respected they would only believe the computers if Katherine's maths agreed.

    I agree with you and Regex on this one. While we dont need to replace anyone, it would be nice to see a Kerbelle join the staff of KSC, and the engineer's report seems like the perfect spot.

  4. Patrick Moore had an immeasurably greater impact on my interest in the stars ( Carl Sagan too, where's *his* memorial? telling me you've never heared of him either? ) than another fictional US series about something that isn't really space. Neil Armstrong had an impact on *everybody*, so I'm not opposed to the memorial even if it doesn't really fit ( and really that should be a monument for everyone who went to space - or even tried - before Apollo 11 ). Leonard Nimoy was an interesting guy and I'm sad he's no longer here in person, but he wasn't an astronaut.

    Actually, there used to be a structure on Tylo in the shape of Carl Sagan's face, but dude to repeated texture updates, its faded quite a bit.

  5. As an addendum, apart from modeling time and design time (and RAM, but I hope that may possibly maybe get improved at some point), I don't see why KW style and p-fairing style fairings couldn't both be stock. save p-fairings for the end? Or make them much more expensive (2x?) than using standardized fairings? They both have their places, but my main thrust is that IF WE ONLY HAVE ONE STYLE, I think they'd best fit the game if they were KW style or dimensionally limited p-fairings.

    Might i say, perhaps the best option would be a combination of the two?

    2 procedural fairing bases(One to fit the width of the rocket, one Expanded to 1.25-1.5 x the size of the rocket, like th kw bases.), which can scale width-wise according to tech level, and a procedural fairing, which automatically fits the base size it is attached to, and is incrementally adjustable in height, perhaps in increments of 1/2 a metre?

    You get the best of both worlds, and it would give you both the freedom to design as you please, but also have a slight restriction to make you think outside the box. (Or in this case, inside the fairing)


  6. Damn!

    I had an FA-18 Replica, almost to the exact same scale in my last install, but the save is bugging out with nullref's. Would have been perfect for this.

    Though i probably wont be able to use it, ill see if i can find some pics of it. (It even had the weapon and droptank loadout built to be the exact same as IRL too. Nosemounted vulcan, wingtip mounter Aim-120's/Aim-9's and all.)

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