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Everything posted by Deathsoul097

  1. I personally think that KSP wont ever be finished, and that it will stay in a permanent beta-ey stage until squad decides they're done with it, and at which point, the community will band together and take it over like FAF. That just seems the most likely option, and if we ever see a KSP 2.0, it wont be a new KSP, it will just be the next milestone update, like 1.0, and 0.90.
  2. I know submissions are closed, but this is what ive came up with so far for this challenge. Will probably enter next time. Is the Weapon Pack being built for the new BDA?
  3. Lol. New thread is now over 1000 Pages long, no mention of a replacement XD
  4. Nice Work man, this is really good. Clever use of fairings for the tail and engine pods, How did you get the jets to work like that?
  5. TBH, pretty much everything. If i use one Dll, the entire other mod's parts stop working, and vice versa.
  6. Hi there. So, im running a rather heavily modded install right now for some military vehicle design, and im hving a conflict in mods. Specifically, with this mod, and the adjustable landing gear. Simply, if i use the adjustable landing gear's Dll provided, then this mod ceases to function, and vice versa for this mods BahaAnimationModuules.dll Is there any known fix for this?
  7. Roverdude, how do you have the time to be this epicly useful to the community??
  8. Well, that would be an epic birthday present "Or if you mention the gap at the four peace package: 22.7.2015"
  9. I think that would count as Staging, even if it didnt use the staging interface.
  10. I agree with you and Regex on this one. While we dont need to replace anyone, it would be nice to see a Kerbelle join the staff of KSC, and the engineer's report seems like the perfect spot.
  11. Designed many a thing with 2 gears on nose, never had a problem with it. Whats your reasoning here?
  12. Now THIS is what the current inline should look like, kudos to you. Fits the kerbal scale better than stock, even.
  13. Actually, there used to be a structure on Tylo in the shape of Carl Sagan's face, but dude to repeated texture updates, its faded quite a bit.
  14. I think Val and Jeb will be my go to duo for many missions in 1.0, they seem like they both have that crazy badSness that makes KSP, KSP.
  15. This^ Pfairings just makes it easier to set up lv's exactly how you want them.
  16. Might i say, perhaps the best option would be a combination of the two? 2 procedural fairing bases(One to fit the width of the rocket, one Expanded to 1.25-1.5 x the size of the rocket, like th kw bases.), which can scale width-wise according to tech level, and a procedural fairing, which automatically fits the base size it is attached to, and is incrementally adjustable in height, perhaps in increments of 1/2 a metre? You get the best of both worlds, and it would give you both the freedom to design as you please, but also have a slight restriction to make you think outside the box. (Or in this case, inside the fairing) -N-
  17. Wasnt this image posted about 6 months back, in a thread under a similar name?
  18. Damn! I had an FA-18 Replica, almost to the exact same scale in my last install, but the save is bugging out with nullref's. Would have been perfect for this. Though i probably wont be able to use it, ill see if i can find some pics of it. (It even had the weapon and droptank loadout built to be the exact same as IRL too. Nosemounted vulcan, wingtip mounter Aim-120's/Aim-9's and all.)
  19. imma say that ones imposible. i just dont think such a feat could be accomplished realistically, without major mods or cheats
  20. Would it not have worked better to construct that vertically? (As in, actually make it look like a tech "tree"?)
  21. Hey, is there a link to the 0.25 version? I'm playing on an un-updated install, and dont want to update, but I would like to use FAR.
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