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Everything posted by Deathsoul097

  1. You would need to have something facing the way you want to go. Remember that you can use mechjeb itself as a "Control from here" point with the in flight right click menu. Would it be possible to get a pic of the afflicted craft so we an see exactly whats going on?
  2. You need to line up the CoM, and your thrust, but you also need to make sure that fuel drains in such a way that the CoM stays the same. Otherwise you'll go flipping all over the place. If your ascending vertically, you shouldn't be moving fast enough for FAR's drag to cause any major difference in your stability.
  3. Can I just say, a lot of those wings are sideways. And sideways wings dont produce lift. (In stock, that is. It'll work in FAR thanks to the different ways it calculates lift, including lifting body physics.) Basically, you've got literal tonnes of dead weight on there, that you think should be giving you lift, but really arent.
  4. Awesome except for one thing, the Hatch is way too small. Double, maybe triple it's size and lower it, and you should be good.
  5. BahamutoD, have you heard of SupCom? And if you have, are you familiar with the Cybran Monkeylord? Because I had the idea of maybe possibly being able to mod in this glorious death spewing death machine walker of death with death cannons and giant death lazers using BDarmoury turret code and the CritterCrawler code. (That, and the Galaxy Class, and the associated turrets, and Rhinos, Wagners, Salems, Loyalists, Revenants, basically half the cybran army and turret defences XD) Do you think this glorious machine would be possible to create in this way?
  6. Is the forum Advertising done through google ads? Because if thats the case, for the most part, ads will be directed to you if they match a certain set of parameters within you search history and previous pages, IIRC.
  7. Just drop the link in your sig. Thats what most do.
  8. Interesting, I wasnt expecting the drop of support for Stock Atmo. Personally, I never really use Ferram4's mods, and many, many others who will want this pack don't either. I can understand the move, though it seems a slight bit contradictory to the majority of the userbase you are releasing this too. (Just a harmless observation, nothing more.) And now, and im very sorry for this, but: KAWAIIIIIIIII! These parts look totally Amazeballs! You guys are awesome!
  9. Please remember, some people have different playstyles. I for one will let MJ do everything or nothing depending on the situation. Nothing other than using clearly unbalanced parts or infinite fuel is cheating in this game. In vehicle design, mission planning, in wherever you want the challenge to be, and you cant claim anything as cheating in a SP game. I have gotten quite good at the game, and use MJ for mundane tasks such as launching rockets, transfer burns, etc. I also use it so that I can get nice cinematic angles while playing, as i like my game to be pretty. Meh, you have so much money that allowing for an extra 50-100 m/s wastage on a lander stage doesn't really matter. That, and MJ is incredibly reliable. While it may not be able to do things incredibly efficiently, it can typically land, or launch you to a ridiculous amount of accuracy. Something very useful to be able to do straight off, while a player will struggle to do similar tasks. I hate how this kind of discussion (More like flamewar/bait) keeps on popping up everywhere. Can we not just enjoy the game, with or without any mods whatsoever? Seriously, why are some people determined to ruin or control another's game play experience?
  10. I wonder if they are revising or editing the entire solar system? Think about it, using the current models as a base, refining, and enlargening them. If a proper atmo does get added, then increasing Kerbin's radius by 50% will add on the missing DV requirement you would have with FAR like aero systems. It will also make doing everything slightly (Or a lot) more expensive, which would help counter the current imbalance of funds to actual usage. If the admin building is coming in too, then we would have major additions on all fronts, just by making some relatively simple changes alongside major and complicated elements, such as the admin setup of rep<->science, funds<->rep and science<->funds.
  11. Aww, I was actually gonna do this until I saw no mods allowed.
  12. Hello from the Bay of Plenty! Another person in this country playing KSP!? Unheard of! XD
  13. I do not rely on MJ, I utilise it. It is a tool to make my game more fun for me, and I use it as such.
  14. Wow, even the Mods are doing this now? If he was asking for a mod, he would ask in the Addons section... (Just saying, not trying to be rude. I see this way too much, and its not really contributing to the thread.) Oh, yes please. I second this. Problem is, how would I work? Would SpaceX do a collab like the NASA one? Or would squad simply do SpaceX styled or themed parts? Personally I would prefer a collab, for obvious reasons. Would we have engine clusters? Would they be mounts and multiple engines? How would they scale against the other engines in the game? How much would they cost? Where would they fit on the tree? How much SpaceX stuff do we want to add? Dragon, F9, F9H, FX, FXH, FXX? All points for discussion IMO. (Oh, and would we finally, finally get fairings? XD)
  15. As a Human Male, of slightly above average Intelligence, let me say, "Me Likey." I get the whole thing over female Kerbals being desexualised, and think its a good thing, Officially, but this is really, really nice. Hell, with a more natural skin tone it would pass for a very nice cartoon pinup of a real person.(Edit: It does) In my opinion, SQUAD can do the 'proper' representation, we can do the rest. 15 mins of Bad editing later, A human girl, out of that kerbal pic. (Which, when these parts are released I will use myself, because IMO, well, do I really need to explain myself XD) (EDIT: Nazari, what program(s) do you use? Cause it sure as hell aint Paint.net.)
  16. Holy Damn! I thought it was just edited to remove the Background! I wish I was that good. This is Probably my best stuff: Anyway, back on topic: If the 3.75m Taurus is basically going to be Orion (From what I can see) will we see some 5m SLS style parts? Or Megaboosters?
  17. Dude, nice. This stuff is looking really good, and it may even bring me off of my KSP Haitus before 0.24 comes around. Also, SnK Avatar Buddies!!!!
  18. Okay, How big is this, How heavy, How much electric does it consume, is it animated? Also, SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Mass Effect! Are you planning on doing the Normandy?
  19. I believe that the FASA SatV has RSS compatability with some partches by Reddragon IIRC. That, and Hakari's RocketDyne F-1 is distributed as part of Real Fules, again, IIRC.
  20. Mechjeb (Or VOID, I can live without AP), KW Rocketry, Fustek Station Parts Expansion.
  21. Bac left about 6 months ago, and he was pretty much there for the spacecentre redo. And AFAIK, that's about it.
  22. Well, this popped back up out of nowhere!
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