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Everything posted by Deathsoul097

  1. Mechjeb (Or VOID, I can live without AP), KW Rocketry, Fustek Station Parts Expansion.
  2. Am I the only one freaking out over the mention that 0.24 is on 64Bit!?
  3. Bac left about 6 months ago, and he was pretty much there for the spacecentre redo. And AFAIK, that's about it.
  4. Well, this popped back up out of nowhere!
  5. Damn lack, that's beautiful! You've nearly fulfilled my LLL wishlist! (Ion Engines have been sorely underutilized in such a Sci-Fi-esque pack.)
  6. No. He wasn't being defensive. That right there is blatantly offensive. You basically said that using MJ means you have no skill or even right to play the game, because you aren't playing it "right." IMHO, that "rant" was completely justified over such an ignorant comment. Back on topic, I doubt Contracts will railroad users into doing things that mods render impossible most of the time, and it will be a rare exception if it does. Especially considering contracts themselves are optional, AFAIK, then 0.24 doesn't run the risk of breaking anything.
  7. I disagree wholeheartedly with the emboldend statement above. No, but seriously, Courage and Stupidity are perfect for the game IMHO. They fit right in, just as the game fits right in between a full on simulator and HurDehurrDehurr, Moar BOOSTAHS!! The rest I agree with though. Kerbals need a reason to have Stats, and having them affect the science gain from missions would be perfect. I hope to get to a point where we hav to hire the ground crew who run unmanned missions, and have to assign people to them, and the stats of the kerbals assigned woul affect your control (Such as only being able to do anything through the manouvre nodes or actually having full control) and science gain, with smarter kerbals giving bonuses all around on unmanned missions, while having a use for muchless courageous kerbals who may not be useful in an actual mission in space.
  8. Lolwut? There is more than two people on the Dev Team, just read the Devnotes Tuesdays. Anyway, back to the topic at hand, I actually think this is something that would be handy, though very hard to implement. How would it know exactly what or how you've done something? And how would a Bot know how to "correct" things, which may well be intentional? Simply, IMHO, this would be way too hard and way too innaccurate to implement.
  9. No, 48 Hours, with 8 Hours of leeway. EDIT: Oh, and something has come up IRL, so I may be withdrawing. Sorry, Kvick. (Its not final, but it is a very real possibility.)
  10. Yeah, some people like it, but its one of those things where you have to be a little masochistic for it. Not mine either.
  11. I think that some people need to get off their high horses and accept that, no matter how hard they want it, KSP will not be a full on, realistic Space Sim. Yes, the Atmo needs fixing but some of the things that make KSP KSP are the silly things, the comedic things. I mean hell, if you work hard enough, you could quite probably build a boxplane in FAR. You would just have to have the ends open. Still a box plane, still silly. That said, Air intakes do need to be modelled a bit more realistically, and Jets need to be nerfed significantly if the atmo gets fixed. I don't want a mod like AJE becoming stock. I think it makes the game too complicated. Much more of a numbers game than kerbal is intended to be. (And this is coming from a guy who avidly uses MJ for info and AP. And no, I can actually fly. I just have a crap laptop, so it lags. A lot. And MJ can fly through lag. Me? Not so much.) That said, KSP is also realistic to a point. There needs to be a balance, and I think most users, especially those on the forums, are very biased to "#lolsokerbal" or "Its unrealistic! *Table Flip* Fix It!"
  12. Would it be able to run 24/7? And would it have the capability to support all 14 of us at once? (Worst case scenario, more than anything.)
  13. Wait really? I thought it was the other way around; that size matters not, but +mass = +energy.
  14. Because Horn has internet issues, and we haven't asked anyone to host the server. Like maybe Majir? (Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.)
  15. I'd say one, as you cant launch them individually.
  16. Yes, but none of us have the authority, other than Horn, to approve your entry and he hasn't replied since you posted.
  17. I agree on the subject of intakes (To an extent, at lower speeds intakes can still manage to pull in air from their surroundings.), and on the drag, but as for stacking wings, I don't mind that. Not that necessary to "fix", IMHO.
  18. Hmm, I think a few things still need to be changed. We need some form of fairing system, preferably procedural. (ATM I'm using B9 Cargo Bays to put up small payloads, but they really don't cut it.) The terrain feels too flat for stock sizing, but that isn't major, though it will mean that there will never be "High ground" as all of the terrain that I have seen is moderately level. Also, atmo heights need adjusting, IMO. The stratosphere starts 7Km lower than stock, at 5Km, and the Thermosphere is at 15Km, as opposed to the 32Km of stock. I understand we are going for a realism feel, but this feels too short, too small.
  19. Well, turns out I can make a plane in FAR...
  20. Oops, double post. Ignore ples.
  21. Umm, do you have MJ installed Alamo? Because I'm pretty sure that's a MechJeb function. (Correct me if I'm wrong of course, but that was my understanding.) Umm, look at the controls/key bindings? That did it for me.
  22. Well, unless we get some naval parts, then yeah. And even then, unless it proves to be physically impassable, it would probably still be fine. Also, how is the Multi-KSC going to work? As I understand it, there is only one KSC at any given time, so are we going to have to change the KSC location every week, day, or days, depending on turn length? And if we do this through Persistence files, what if multiple people make changes at the same time? Then we will have all kinds of confusion.
  23. Oh, yeah, I know to set up the COL like that, but everything but the simplest craft still "lawn-dart"s for me. Anyway, I don't mind that I would just work with Orbital Craft. TBH, I would prefer it, especially if it is turn based. Space gives you a lot more leeway if you know what your doing. (The first thing I will try will probably be a ~100T corvette or something, knowing me. Even in RSS, I can manage it.) EDIT: If RSS is required, are we using Realism Overhaul too?
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