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Everything posted by ethericalAlchemist

  1. Okay then, I think I know what the problem is! I don't have realchutes installed on my KSP
  2. Let's see... Umm I have quite a few mods... I have KW rocketry, Novapunch, Precisenode, Universal Storage, Active Texture Management, Scansat, Raster Prop Mod, KAS, Mechjeb... and a few others...
  3. Hey, when I try to use this mod, the parachute is already deployed in the VAB and in flight. I don't think it does anything, but it's just there.
  4. True, but I find that I can get the shuttle up to a 200 km orbit. I just have to use the OMS for the circularization burn...
  5. Hey, I'm having a bit of trouble with this... The Scanner only scans for Kethane and no other resources....
  6. So we at KAXA have just finished the development of a Munar Rover. There are three variants, Non-nuclear w/o parachute and Nuclear w/ parachute. With the parachute, we will be initially putting up a copy with stock parachutes, and then one with the RealChutes mod (It just makes it easier to land)
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