Hi guys, I created a rocket where I wanted the innermost ring to contain 8 boosters. However (using Rockomax parts) the most I could fit on would have been 6. So instead of attaching radial decouplers to the main rocket and attaching the boosters to the decouplers (the normal way), I've attached decouplers to the main rocket, girders to the decouplers (to get some extra spacing) and the boosters to the girders. However the rocket is unstable and so I also had to use struts to connect the boosters to the main rocket to make them less wobbly. The problem: normally when a decoupler between strutted-together parts is fired, the struts disconnect (disappear) and the affected stage falls apart beautifully. In this case, however, the girders between the decouplers and the boosters apparently prevent KSP from noticing that the struts should disconnect, and so they stay put - they are broken apart a split second later as the booster tries to fall away, but this puts a spin on the booster and it crashes into its brother boosters, making the entire ship tear itself apart in a magnificent display of fireworks. I've put hours of work into this project (3-ring Asparagus staged ship containing 32 boosters) and I'd really hate to abandon it. Did anyone else encounter this issue? Any thoughts or recommendations on solving it? Thanks!