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Everything posted by aazo5

  1. Tried clicking it beforehand, but all it did was open the advanced option tool bar thing, where you have sub-assemblies and stuff like that. No option for parts in there unfortunately.
  2. I was messing around with this mod: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/131439-WIP-Free-IVA-(formerly-Enhanced-IVA)-Alpha-v0-0-3-(2015-10-11) in my main save, and then afterwords uninstalled it from my KSP folder. Since then, I get a few odd glitches in just my saves that I played in with that mod running before. The main issue is that in the VAB, I have no categories to choose parts from, meaning I cannot make any ships. I tried reinstalling the entire game twice, and just bring back the saves, but they still don't work. Although new games on a fresh install do work. Is there any way to fix this issue, or is my saved game just broken? It'll be kind of disappointing considering I've put dozens of hours into my current save, and I have one old backup of the save that would make me lose like 20 hours of gameplay. Either way though, help would be greatly appreciated. Also, please understand that i'm not angry with the mod, or the creator of the mod. This was entirely my mistake, as I should have backed up my save beforehand. I didn't back it up because I've never had a saved game break because of a mod before, but considering this was a WIP mod, I should have considered it. Here's a pic of what i'm seeing in the VAB:
  3. Alright, thanks. So I can theoretically carry snacks from one to another with just my Kerbal?
  4. Is it possible to transport snacks to certain modules without having them docked? Because I have a Minmus base that is comprised of multiple undocked building, and want to know how to support them. Can a kerbal carry snacks from a supplies craft to the different buildings?
  5. Yeah I did that but all I saw was one radial attachment point on the back of the modules. You can't connect those to docking ports though, right?
  6. Okay, so I didn't need to add any docking ports or anything in advance? Just don't want to have to start over my entire mission.
  7. I have a question regarding the base building parts. I flew all the way to Laythe, and was in orbit and was planning on detaching the base building modules, but can't find a way to do so. Was I supposed to add docking ports to the outside of it before I took off? Because I figured important things like that were already on the ship. And if I do need to add docking ports to be able to detach it from the Endurance ring, how do I take it off the ship. I know I need to use the lander to attach it and then bring it to the planet, but can I simply just pull it off of the endurance with the lander? - - - Updated - - -
  8. So, can I build a base on a planet without putting the equipment in the storage containers? I assembled the entire ship in orbit but didn't prepare for any base building stuff. I noticed that there was an inflatable habitat already in one of my storage containers, can I bring that to a planet, and if so, how? Sorry, I'm new to the attachment system mod.
  9. Yep, man. Very decent design apparently. Got me there fine. Now to celebrate my first ever rover on a moon!
  10. Thanks a lot man. Going to give it a shot.
  11. Oops, I see the post you were talking about now. It was hard to find it. It was all hidden between 2 pics. I'll re download the updated one.
  12. I don't see that post, sorry. But either way, i'd love to see it fixed. That is all i'm asking for. Or at least give an updated download link.
  13. There are a few more on the shuttle, i'll look for those later. Don't remember what those were. There are 2 on the Comm module that are missing. These are them: AdvSasModuleToggle, Engineer 7500. I will tell the shuttle ones in a bit. P.S. How is my post uninformed? I understand how it was uninformative but not uninformed. I think you're being a bit of a hypocrite. I like to spread my posts out so I don't have unbearable information all in one post. Thus the reason I waited for you to respond before I told you the file names.
  14. I'm not very good at making rockets attached to rovers, at all. I would love it if someone could maybe add a rocket to this and everything it needs to be able to get to Mun and Minmus, and explain to me the staging of it. Thanks. Rover Download: http://www./?uafco5ah8q1azux
  15. Why did you call this a stock craft? It most surely is not.
  16. Okay, I really want to set up this base on the mun ---> http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/45076-Modular-Surface-Base-Your-home-away-from-home <--- (Great design by the way) but I don't know how to. I realize that i'd bring all parts separately, but how do I actually dock them once they are on the mun? Would I drive them to where I want to dock them? Can you dock while you are on land? Thanks in advance.
  17. Thanks. Personally I put intermediate because of the fact that when I was a beginner this might have been a little bit tricky to take off. It's not your simple, light, 25 part rocket that is easy to take off.
  18. Has not been tested, nor recommended. It does what it is said to do for sure, but not beyond for sure. I'm sure you could expand upon it to do just that, but it is perfect for Kerbin's moons.
  19. Has not been tested, nor recommended. It does what it is said to do for sure, but not beyond for sure. I'm sure you could expand upon it to do just that, but it is perfect for Kerbin's moons.
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