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Everything posted by aazo5

  1. Alright, this is my new lander/rocket. I built it from the ground up with a great balance between too much, and too little. This rocket has been tested, multiple times to ensure that it has more than enough fuel to get you to any moon in the Kerbin system (Mun or Minmus) and back safely. It geared towards intermediate players who have experience with basic rockets. This rocket is not made for beginners, and might be hard for beginners to get into orbit. I also made sure that there is plenty of fuel in case you are fairly new and often make inefficient maneuvers. This is a three-kerbal rocket. It has RCS installed, one headlight, lights for landing on the dark side of moons, 2 extendable ladders to ensure that your Kerbals will get out and in to the ship as easy as possible, 2 extendable solar panels (recommended to keep these open when have direct contact with sunlight), 2 parachutes, and landing gear to get you down safely. I hope you guys like it! P.S Use SAS from liftoff until orbit for better outcomes! Pics: Download:http://www./?9a6anh9035jpph4
  2. Well I have been to both Mun and Minmus now, but I really want to go to another planet, preferably Duna (Maybe Eve). I literaly have no experience going to another planet but would like some tips, guide links, or ship download links that can get the job done. Thanks. P.S. Rover links would be great too.
  3. http://www./download/uru5lcm7eatwjo7/Rover3.craft There it is, it already has it's launch vehicle, but that thing is NOT powerful enough to get to Duna.
  4. Sweet, what if I let you download the rover, then you attach it to a rocket ship you made, then let me download the final product?
  5. Alright, so I REALLY want to somehow get a rover to Duna. Not a piloted rover though. I've never been to a planet yet but want to use a rover to explore the deserty awesomeness of Duna! The problem is, I just have no clue how to get a rover into orbit. I can make a rover, and it can drive good, just can't get it off the ground. Any tips would be appreciated, especially download links to a rover INCLUDING the launch parts and stages. Thanks. :)
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