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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Pretty sure they won't, Altought i think they are more likly to throw the crew out of an airlock and use the ship themselfs then blow it up.
  2. Well i am not macy so i can only say how i interpid them. I think the part count is the part count at without docking. Ammo does count and it is 300 but with exceptions for awesomeness (quote from the video).
  3. Actualy everybody did that during WW2 the same goes for the Allies the russion the Japanese you name em the did it. It is only recently that western nations developed a moral against hitting civilian targets.
  4. probably a better way of putting it. What was that old saying agian, pics or it didn't happen
  5. In my opinion it depends on the purpose, if you only need it to ferry fuel between a station and a ship you don't need it to be that big. But if you are planning on moving it to other planets it is very usefull to have large amounts of spare fuel since you don't want to send one multiple times. For kerbin orbital fuel luggers i hold on to around 1 orange tank worth of fuel. I have the craft file for my fuel lugger in the craft repo i on the previeus page, Feel free to take a look at that to get a visual about what i mean.
  6. XD i find it quite cruel that you tell us you found something awesome but don't include it instantly to the post.........
  7. Well as prommised the .craft files and the persistant file for my posts(http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/37169-Spiritwolf-Hanland-Submissions?p=595914&viewfull=1#post595914); http://www./download/6vhii999q8rc7n4/ksp_data.zip most ships do not need a guide to get into outerspace. This how ever excludes the Gaia space station. To get it into a stable orbit go straight up. DO NOT DO A GRAVITY TURN. wait till you are out of atmosfeer completly before you turn and boost again. If anyboyd knows how to improve any of my lifters plz do tell. I did not include the proofs of there positions yet since it is a huge bucket of screenshots of wich some are from failed flights so i need to sort it out and am a bit short on time atm. I hope you enjoy em. P.S. if you load in the persistant file I docked a hermes class ship at gaia space station so if you have a slow computer i advice turning down graphics to a bare bone minimum since it now goes beyond 400 parts with the docked ships attached to it. But i had to do it it just looks to awesome .
  8. somewhere that would be fun, Also has any of you a good idea where to host craft/persistant files ??
  9. No worry's none of us where when we tried at first. I think my first attempt ended with 1 ship running out of rcs and no longer being able to manouvre. My second attempt smashed the ships together so hard that the result wasn't 2 docked ships but a debri field.
  10. My space port currently orbitting kerbal. A gaia class space station Tell me what you guys think of it
  11. Hesprides class base Thought i could leave this one here. It is my attempt at a permanent moonbase. Since i didn't feel like all the fiddeling with docking things on the mun it is made out of one piece.
  12. What do you mean flesh out the design ?? To the rest I will post craft file's when i found a good place to host them. Also noticed that I forgot 2 ships wich i will post when i have some time to get a good screeny.
  13. First off hi guys. I have been lurking on the forum for quite some time and i decided I should show what I have been working on. Second this will be a long post so bear with it. Company name: The orion space company company objective: Create a safe enviroment for civilians and scientists a like all around the kerbal system. Only recently did we start to develop military hardware to defend ourselfs agains pirate space company's like Hanland. To achieve this objective we developed several ships: Iris class base: This base is designed to work as a relay station and or land based observatory and is to be manned by 1 kerbal. Who can live in relative comfort thanks to artificial reality being displayed on his window. Hesprides class base: This base is designed to be a comfortable home for up to 6 kerbals. Featuring 6 independent personal rooms with a view and 1 central common room for socializing. Pan class rover A rover designed to carry 1 driver and 2 passengers to locations otherwise beyond there range on different celestial body's Artemis class figther A advanced figther armed with 6 standard torpedo's but thanks to his layout can be used to launch a variety of weapons. This ship was originaly designed for short range exploration from a carrier. It uses 4 ion engines and one lv-909 engine. Tsyche-K class transport ship A transport ship designed for space toerism. Capable of transporting 4 kerbals in a luxery cabin to destinations near Kerbin. It comes standard with a small probe for ferrying kerbals around in 0g. Tsyche-M class transport ship A transport ship much alike the Tsyche-K class ship designed to ferry around kerbals between Mun surface and stations in low munar orbit. Unlike its type K counter part this ship does not come with a drone to very around kerbals but instead comes with landing legs differently positiond lights and ladders for kerbals to safely board and leave the ship. Hermes class transport ship A transport ship unlike the Tsyche class ships. Where those ships are ment for short trips and never go far beyond there original point this ship is designed to take a lot of kerbals to distant planets on a regular basis. It has 5 familie sized cabins and a rear observatory all along a center spine away from the engines to ensure a smooth and safe ride. Plutus class supply ship A supply ship capable of transporting loads in its two side cargo bay. Hera class carrier A carrier designed to haul ships do distant planets. Its large docking bay has direct entrance to 2 comfortable cabins in wich kerbals can sit out the journey. A flight command center near the rear of the ship facing in at the hanger is capable of making sure all ships arive at there designated landing spots without trouble. It has 1 shielded docking port on the bottom of its hanger for transporting a Artemis class ship and 4 small docking ports along its walls to transport musqito sized ships. Oeranos class space station: This station is ment as a transfer station between orbit and land based operations. The many docking ports around the base allow it to be a base of operation for many ships. On its own it is a fairly simple construction but it can be expanded with several more modules to allow for more living room or fuel. The one in this picture is in orbit of the mun. Gaia class space station A enormous orbital station designed to be a transfer station between smaller ships and interplanetary ships. It service as a orbital space port with room for over 50 kerbals to wait in transit or to do scientific research. All of the above ships have proof of how they got to there current location but i choose not to post it to keep the post reasonbly small. With the exception of the Hera class carrier all of the ships listed are under 400 parts. The hera carrier has 403 parts(i am not sure i will fill in the correct number once i looked it up). Also it should be noted that none of these ships require RCS all of them use reaction wheels and SAS modules to do the heavy work for them. now for those questioning if the artemis fighter can be docked in a hera class carrier. aproach: docked:
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