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  1. I've liked the design of the NASA-accurate shuttle inigma made, though I never downloaded it for use since my .90 save was a mod-heavy career mode with no "stock" vehicles difficulty setting... and the fact that I hadn't needed a Space Shuttle for anything. Since 1.0 hit and would necessitate a new save anyway, I decided to give building one of my own a go. I used the screenshots in the OP and Google Image search results for "space shuttle" for the references. I'll need to get a screenshot or three of the thing pre-launch, but I was at the time too busy trying to get the launch to actually work. It kept wanting to nosedive shortly ater leaving the pad. Below is the first time I got mine to orbit: http://i.imgur.com/HCqqGJF.png I can see why, after having the thing constantly trying to torque forward every time it left the launch pad after a few seconds of flight. I don't think I put quite 20 in there, but there are a couple of the 3.5m SAS/battery units on the tank which slightly lengthen it (I was initially trying to go without hidden SAS). The first time I got it to finally fly stable enough to reach SRB separation, I went straight for the orbit. Re-entry... well, that didn't go as well as the launch. http://i.imgur.com/IHj8RTa.png The front-half parts of the wings went bye-bye, and it stalled and flipped like an acrobatic brick, but most of it survived to emergency land in the water (I overshot KSC by kilometers; I think that's actually the same exact spot of water as in the previous screenshot) with those parachutes I added for Kerbal safety. I'm uncertain if a payload would have made it since I flew empty for this test. In short, the new wings do work for this type of vehicle. They just might not make it out of re-entry intact, though they fared much better than the STS-4 in that video. If you want, I can upload my shuttle for your perusal, though I'm not sure how much help my wing setup might be in your refit for STS-5.
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