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Everything posted by uboats

  1. seems all steam players can hands on 1.1 now, but not for standalone ver
  2. I saw guys are happy discussing and showing screenshots, so was misleaded
  3. So if I buy steam ver now, will I receive the pre-release?
  4. http://www.bilibili.com/video/av1232659/ I found this video from above site, although Chinese subtitle, dialogue in English. The first half of video reproduced the launch of Chinese Shenzhou series manned spaceship with original BGM during official live The second half I believe reproduced the scene of The Gravity, while the last kinds of Apollo (welcome home!) hope you like it. ps to turn off those flying comment, click "å±Âèâ€Â½Ã¨Â®Â¾Ã¥Â®Å¡" which is the left tab (above which there are three lines of numbers ...) at the top of panel next to the video player window then, the right panel will be updated, and just click to all the nine buttons (you will see 'stop' sign on it once click it) Finally you can enjoy a clean screen.
  5. once all 4 are checked then activate the part. e.g, once all 4 checked, then press space to activate the engine, then your solid propeller contract can be done
  6. Hi lunniy, Same for decoupler that I need to activate it when all requirement are checked then the contract is solid finished? Otherwise those checked requirement could be unchecked?
  7. can anyone explain what is proper stage to finish the contract? It seems that for later solid propeller contract, i need to quit the mission once all four requirement are checked? otherwise, once landed, all four are then unchecked. Cannot understand the complete condition and seems parachute contract cannot play together with the radial decoupler one since they can not be all checked at the same time.
  8. I just finished the initial 3 by a single launch using 3 solid propeller. Seems that one launch can solve all initial 4 contracts.
  9. not be able to dl yet. http://ksp.cdn.multiplay.com/secure/?token=................
  10. cannot download from official store. Server down?
  11. A little suggestion (maybe someone in earlier pages has posted) If you can integrate the camera as the background of this indicator, that would be perfect! Another thing is that, I have both dock cam and your mod, however, the cam cannot be shown, while your mod works well.
  12. BTW, since lander has no crew, So how did you first decouple CSM from lander then decouple lander from low stage?
  13. First of all Thanks for all your detailed test and comments!!! So If I directly strengthen the lower stage and CSM and connect the lander without adaptor, it would be more stable? I was afraid that smaller decouple could not get a strong connection. Did you mean launch from Kerbin? half throttle to launch? I made a mistake that I found the center engine did not activated.... so it ascent slowly. I just used mj to see dv only. But since I used to consume all fuel during mun landing, so this time I let mj did that. I thought single decoupler for surround orange tanks would not have strong strength. Do I need to change a smaller fuel tank for CSM? And add a second stage between lander and lower stage for transfer orbit? Since After all surrounding 6 tank dropped, the rocket is too long too heavy for a single engine.
  14. I have removed mj and updated the download link thanks Is reaction wheel or SAS better?
  15. I rebuild apollo project by using the original parts. Since Saturn V is hard to recreate, so I redesigned the rocket but keep the Mun lander and CSM in the original initial connection (stage) The rocket is not complicated at all and a single stage which is used to send the CSM and lander to Kerbin low orbit and can have 15% fuel left. Then I used Service module to enter Mun transfer orbit and reduce to low Mun orbit (6km) The structure has been strengthened, and the rising is stable (orange fuel tanks is a little bit off-sym, due to pair-adding. it only caused rotate not heading change. Not impact the rising). Here is the rocket https://www.dropbox.com/s/gu1z2b401ltwbl2/Apollo%20-%20Saturn%20Project.craft I first build the lander as a sub part (which has a MJ2 only for d-V info), and then open a new project and first placed command module and choose the lander and attach it to CSM. So I think the 3-person command module should be the kernel. I experienced two major problems: 1. the time went slow that in the game 1s cost real time 2 seconds. and the responsibility is laggy. I do not know why, cpu cost is very low. 2. during straight rising, the rocket is hard to change the direction (heading). And even with all boost gone, this issue remained in the space. I attached 8 RCS on CSM, this can do a little help for changing heading. Then I decoupled the first stage that only CSM and lander are left. Then I decoupled the two and turn around CSM to dock with lander like the real Apollo did. However, with such a relatively small vessel, it's still hard to change heading (While for Kerbal X which has same command module and last stage, it is easy to control). I thought it could be the MJ issue, but so I further decoupled the two duiring low Mun orbit. But the problem was still there for CSM on the orbit. And the lander is too small to control the direction even turned on SAS (no sas module but using 1-person command module's) ** Could anyone help me figure the two problems out? Especially the 2nd one. During rising and into Kerbin orbit, MJ on lander has same heading direction with CSM (it has slow heading change issue), after docking the lander, MJ has opposite direction (but the control is on CSM, and I did not use MJ), the problem exists, after CSM and lander separated, the problem still there. Although I observed problem 1, but I do not think that's the source resulting in problem 2. Since for problem 2, even I heavily pressed the WASD, the vessel was hard to turn or turning very very slowly.
  16. I tried many ways landing on Mun, straightly down, ascending orbit landing. But for both I was always suffering less fuel. For kerbal X which can land on Mun with about 15% fuel left. While I tried several times that straightly down does not need circularize orbit and can save some dV. Even in this case, I spent all fuel but still several hundreds meters above the surface. I'm not sure when to start braking and should braking be turned on till touching the surface or need to be turned off midway? I always turned the engine burning at max during landing for kerbal x which is very fuel consuming. So is there any guide on how to efficiently landing on Mun manually? And can be extended for other planets?
  17. Thank you. Another question is that if the two orbits do not have intersection nodes. How can I know where is the closest position? I know that if two orbits intersect, then there will be marks showing interception nodes with the (I think) closest distance. Correct me if I'm wrong. Or intercept nodes do not show the closest position but just tell us if one craft is at the intercept node, where is another one?
  18. Hi, I just started to try interception and docking for low Kerbin orbit (95km-120km) vessels. The status of two vessels are shown in the fig.1 A (blue) is in red orbit 105km, and is after B. B (red) is in blue orbit 110km, and is befow A. There are two ways to let them close: 1. lower PE of A 2. rise AP of B But none of above methods can create interception nodes. Ignore this issue, I find that if greatly lower/rise PE/AP of A/B, maybe only one cycle will be used before they reach the closest points. However, in this case, PE of A or AP of B could be very low/high. For A, it's not safe since it could return the atmosphere of Kerbin For B, it may cost hundreds of dV to rise AP, and will also cost hundreds of dV to lower to circle orbit. But if the PE/AP is not that low/high, it requires many cycles, while for low orbit, the time warp is limited And we have to wait a long time. Do we have to make two orbits having intersection nodes in order to monitor the interception distance? So what is the fastest way to intercept? What is the way of smallest fuel cost? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New added Is it a good choice that to make the two orbits very close at the very beginning? Or make them a large difference (100km and 150km) would be better? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW added Another question is that if the two orbits do not have intersection nodes. How can I know where is the closest position? I know that if two orbits intersect, then there will be marks showing interception nodes with the (I think) closest distance. Correct me if I'm wrong. Or intercept nodes do not show the closest position but just tell us if one craft is at the intercept node, where is another one?
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