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Everything posted by uboats

  1. Hi @TehGimp666 I just tried 0.1.2 with my friend to complete a space docking. We two launch a space shuttle and a spacecraft into the low orbit. Then we can quickly see each other and the sync is good enough once the distance is more than 50km. Then, we did the intercept, and we can observe that one is approaching another. Before getting too close, the sync worked well and the accuracy was good. Then when we got very close, e.g. 3km. In this case, we can see each other and the craft can be well rendered. However, after getting too close, the server sync did not update frequently enough, so sometimes he saw a 1km distance and 30m/s relative speed, while I observed a 500m distance and 15m/s. After doing warp, and then sync, this can be temporarily solved. But after a while, the error became large. So, we decided that one did not do any operation and the other completed the left docking. So finally, the two got close and then combined together. Just after docking, I lost the control of my vessel, and returned to the tracking center. Then I asked my friend returned to tracking center, and I took the control of the combination. I separated them, and took the control of my part. However, after that, my friend lost all the info of all vessels. Even reconnect to the server, there was no vessel can be observed by him. But if I did not disconnect, I can always observe two from tracking center. If I disconnect, and then reconnect, I lost both as well. After all, Id like to say, 0.1.2 gave us reaaaally fantastic experience. If the sync can be improved for closed craft, and the data can be stable (sometimes his was in relative higher orbit, then after a while, sync, we found mine was higher), the experience would be much better. Thanks.
  2. I just tried both KLF and KMP which are good mods. I do prefer an official integration of multiplayer functionality for 0.24 or if possible 0.23. Some people may argue the physic warp. Let me present my idea. I believe that most people who want multiplayer is to do competition or COOP. Therefore, there is no need for massive multiplayer but a functionality for 2-4 players (or a reasonable or affordable number, I suggest 2-4) In KMP mod, there is a control to change your vessel status between public and private (share your vessel to others or not). It's a good idea that I extend this to a similar scheme for multiplayer for time warp. Here public means they want to do COOP/competition, private means he/she wants to temporarily play individually (vessel status does not impact others) If there are 4 players in the game, and if all want to COOP, then they just choose public. And if someone wants time warp, he needs to start a vote. If others do not have any operations and agree, then the one who starts the vote will fully control the time warp. So there is no sync issue among those COOP players. (Of course, others can stop the warp if they want to do something. There should be something to avoid mischievous interupt) If one temporarily wants to play individually, then he choose private. So if he wants time warp, the time warp applies locally. Once the warp done, server will automatically sync his current status to other 3. And if other 3 do warp, after the warp done, the other 3's status will be sync to the one who is in private. Since the individual one is not coop with others, so he status is not critical/sensitive to others. Therefore local time warp which could make him to be in the future time does not matter. Later if he wants to coop with the other 3, just change to public, and only his current status will be considered. It's just a rough idea of multiplayer functionality. I know it may not be good enough. But I hope everyone here can post your suggestions and comments If we can have a better suggestion for KSP, and we may be able to enjoy the official multiplayer soon. (If they put someone to do the implementation)
  3. I just tried KMP with my friend. We found that many times, sync would remove all of our craft in the space that we had to return to space center to rebuild a vessel and rocket.
  4. First I'd like to say, career mode is a good starting point and awesome But I do not like the tech tree very much that unlocked tech is not displayed. As a result, we do not know which way to go sometimes. Especially for some specific aero-program like station or aero-plane which require different parts. What I suggest that all the tech-tree tiers can be displayed while unlocked tech is rendered in gray. In this case, people can easily find their upgrading path.
  5. When the game was in the map mode or original mode (craft in orbit), sometimes, there was weird sounds like explosion unpredictably presented and last for 1 sec. However, there was no staging or fuel tank hitting the ground. The sounds mainly presented during the swap between map mode and original mode. Another issue is shaky graphic that when I drag the maneuver nodes to build the H-transfer orbit to Mun, the orbit line is shaky leading to a unstable blue target mark on the ADI. After the craft was captured by Mun, I changed to original mode and look at the craft and Mun, in this case, sometimes, the graphic was unstable if I used mouse to change the view angles that all the objects rendered were shaking. I'm using Nvidia GT750m + Intel i7 4700MQ
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